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What's your favorite Dinning out food on the menu? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif


*throws a dart at the menuboard on the wall*

How's about barbecue? :)


T-bone steak, Sirloin Roast Beef, hot dogs, corn dog's and hamburger's. Pork chops, pulled pork, pork and bean's, corn on the cobb. Who'll bring the Salad's?


I'll go buy the out the butcher shop, you get all the neighbors to bring the Bbq Pits over and we'll get to Bbquing. Right now! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif You'll need to give me the coordinates for the drop zone so I can hit the site within 5 miles with the parachute load. Than it will only take a truck 15 round to load it up and haul it back to your place. Yay!

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If it's raining and you still want hamburgers, you can cook your hamburgers heroin style: over a toilet and an open flame from a zippo lighter with the meat in a well used spoon. MMMMMMMM Delish!



Rachael Ray Cares.

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Random fact of the day: Heroin is (or was) a brand name. The drug is diamorphine.


Originally sold as a non-addictive (HA!) treatment for morphine addiction, amongst other things.


Gotta love the pharmaceutical industry.

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You learn something new every day. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif
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When the days are full stormy weather or the afternoon is hot.


And barbecue is that last thing you'll do just do what I do not.


Order a pizza, a supreme with all the trimmings,


and the meat ah well going to be a little different.


Because I plan, and have a Pizzazz Pizza rotiscery,


I can move my seat into the basement where the heat

is not

so hot.


In the dungeon chair I feel so debonair


As I pit the meat off with my sharp pointy pinky


I feel cool by my Mummy and Her Honey,


As their coffins lids almost seem to tremble


from something inside having an old desire to Glare!


How unfair! That they are dead and the maggots are all fed,

mean as it may seem they would done the same to me,

So All is Fair in Love, Harmony, and Pizza!




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WOOOWW i am impressed with the shipping of Tigerdirect, i mean i have it noow in my hands my Second 7950 gigabyte model :teehee:

Its in i tell ya, it was supposed to be in by the 3rd of Augest. WOOOW...I am Eager, EAGER to get this baby in my case yo :teehee: ...

Funny wonder if they had in Store at our local tigerdirect, lol that would have been funny :teehee:Hello easy shippping here :tongue:

Edited by Thor.
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New Crysis 2 Benchmark in icoming, soon. Maybe Sunday, now i am to tired to even think of lifting my metric tun gaming rig. :teehee: Edited by Thor.
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