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The last poster wins


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I win!

Branimirzg, I hope you knew that this kind of posts aren't allowed to be on the Nexus. Because of that, Omeletter wins.


You shouldn't impersonate a moderator, unless you're username is DeathWarrior and you're posting in the last poster wins topic, in which case I win!


OFF TOPIC: This is just a forum game, I'm not intentionally impersonating a moderator or being a vigilante, I'm simply playing the game, in which case I win.


Hey quit steeling my idea, check out some of my posts in the ban for fun game.


i win


This is your last worning, impersonating a moderator without my permission gets you a strike :verymad:

wow, what? im lost...

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Moderator Note :


I hope you enjoy your stay in the Nexus, you're lucky enough not to get banned. This is no place for winners like you, so you should find somewhere else to win. This thread is closed, and I won.


Reference Post


Ancient Aeon, Fake Moderator.


(just kidding, but I still won.)

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