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Oki doki. Written a short to accompany my main story. Will now go and sleep. Hopefully now I've written what I dreamt, my muse will let me go for a wee while.


Me, three minutes ago http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/SolarCat/Smilies/Assorted/00000057.gif = typing

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I thought playing music while I tried to sleep would help. Yet I'm back here again... I seriously sometimes just space out... Staring at one point on the screen, and then face palm and realize what I'm doing. :facepalm:

And now, I'm thirst, tired, hungry and I have a headache. And my eyes feel dry. Probably from spacing out and staring at the screen as I type this. For no other reason but to help reach the goal. In face I'm not really entirely certain what or why I'm typing.


I should read or draw or something. I normally can fall asleep then. But music normally helps too.

Edited by K00L
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