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Try Skyrim or Dragon Age?????




For your enjoyment :)

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YES! YES! YES! Download with manager works, then I just navigate to the NMM mods folder, install it manually instead of automatically and all done :dance:
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@Pagafyr Here, have a win.


Thank you! *Takes a bow*



Once more I steal the win. And give it to Pagafyr.


Thank you! *Takes a bow*


@ Pagafar


What?! Where did those 4 bearers go who were taking my esteemed friends gifts away from me?

Oki doki. Written a short to accompany my main story. Will now go and sleep. Hopefully now I've written what I dreamt, my muse will let me go for a wee while.


Me, three minutes ago http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/SolarCat/Smilies/Assorted/00000057.gif = typing


Oh! You're reverse engineering and writing about your dream's. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/psyduck.gif You have interesting dreams!



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Gosh I hate hot flushes. They leave me feeling so rotten. Hayfever is absolutely yuck and I love flowers and trees, this is so not fair.


@Werne how do you manage to combine your mods for Skyrim? Do you use the Creation Kit? If so, how do you it?


Thank you for your time hun.



oh and this is for Brokenergy



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I'd love to sleep, but I seem to do so in batches of 2-3 hours at a time. Totally not right.
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@Werne how do you manage to combine your mods for Skyrim? Do you use the Creation Kit? If so, how do you it?

I use TESSnip, just copy/paste the values into a new plugin (WerneMerge*number*.esp is what I name it). It's a long and tedious process but in the end they are all merged and working.


I think you can use Wrye Smash as well, mark the plugins as mergeable and make a bashed patch, all the mods should be contained inside the patch, didn't try that so I don't know. And I believe Wrye Smash automatically merges plugins once you hit the limit, not sure about that either.


EDIT: I forgot to say this, NEVER merge esms, if there are plugins in your load order that require them, your game will crash and burn.

Edited by Werne
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