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Sis looked up, "I want to know..."


Mother looked over, "We can discuss your questions better on a full stomach after noon meal dear."


I took her hand and we both pulled and pushed and whispered and bulled our way along as the kind maid tried to lead us in a straight away fashion to our room.


The maid took my brother to his room and me to mine. They were next to each other with adjoining doors "Not clever." I thought with a grin "They have no idea what we get up to."


My brother and I may fight like cats and dogs, but we are close, closer than anyone would imagine. We would defend each other to the death and we love each other without a doubt. We are typical of other siblings I would imagine, but our bond is all the more closer because at times, we are all that we have.


A bath had been drawn and clean clothes had been set out, a dress, no thank you, I went to the closet and pulled out a clean cotton shirt and fine leather breeches. I wanted to be prepared, just in case anything happened. I would not be taken by surprise again.


I sank into the bath groaning with delight and found a soap I liked. Washing my short curly hair was so refreshing to me, I felt so grimy and dirty, yet it had only been a little of 36 hours since we had run from our home. The door to my chamber opened and I heard the voices of a couple of maids enter. I finished washing and wrapped a huge cotton towel around me.


"My lady, we were sent to help you." said the younger of the two. "You should have waited."


"No matter." I said smiling. "I needed the relief more than you would know."


I sat at the vanity whilst the younger maid dried and brushed my hair. The other tutted at my choice of clothing.


"You are being joined for luncheon by the town dignitaries, your Highness," she said "a dress would be more fitting."


I frowned but conceded. "Leave the other clothes out please, I will change after luncheon ."


She nodded and bobbed a curtsey and I rose to have her assist me dress.


I hated this most of all. I enjoyed dressing myself, it was a time I had to reflect and think, my parents understood this and the only time I had help was when there was an occasion to be prepared for, or at bath times where I was particularly tired, say after a hunt. This pampering was not to my liking, but for the sake of propriety I submitted myself to it.


The dress was not too bad, a pale blue, which went well with my sea blue eyes and blonde curly hair, not too frilly and puffy quite plain to be honest and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I decided that I didn't look too girly and would do.


There was a knock on the door and my brother walked in looking very dapper in dark blue breeches and white cotton shirt with a dark blue vest and matching boots. He blinked at me in surprise "Don't say a word." I threatened, and he grinned from ear to ear and shook his head.


"Is my lady ready to come to luncheon." he crooned.


I held out my hand and he tucked it into his elbow. We walked to the dinning hall as Prince and Princess of the Realm rather than brother and sister, all the while casting looks at each other as though daring ourselves to say or do something flighty.


The doors opened and we entered the room......


As we walked into the room Dad and Mom took note of our arrival. Everyone looked clean, colors brightened everything in the new homes appearance. I turned my head to speak to sis and saw she too was taking in the newer castles bright fresh color tones.


I could feel my lips parting to speak and saw her do likewise. Her voice sounded different when the words came out, "It's more alive!"

I turned as a young woman my age walked near. I looked at her. My eyes looked down at the floor and the colors on her dress. The hem imposed upon my mind a direction. My eyes followed the little arrow tips in the hem pointing upward from hem. As the long floor length dress narrowed I could see a tiny belted waist. My gaze followed the blouse from the belt to a find built balcony presenting a bit of flesh. I eyed the way the shelf rocked slightly as she walked and rolled my eyes up without lifting my head to see her face. As I looked at her left ear among the curls of reddish blond hair she turned her head to look at me. She began to smile, but quickly raised a hand with a stick which held daintily in her hand. A frilled wrist band hid the tiny movement as she flipped the stick making it turn into a fan. It opened to hide her smile but I could still see a smile as the fan accented her eyes. As my head raised up to where my own eyes were level the two green jewel's held my attention as my mouth spoke in response to my sister's last words automatically, "And beautiful!"

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We're nearly as 600 posts this is soooooo cooool


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