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The last poster wins


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Oh! So you want to play, ay! I will win until the sun goes down and tomorrow win again until I tire and go play video a video game to vent my frustrations of you others return to try to win.


See, ya! The Sun just set. I will be back to win tomorrow after I am refreshed from drinking to all of your health's.


I am not a vampire. Those messy eaters. Always leaving blood on the bodies shirts and collars. No they discust me! I eat the cleanest, finest part of the humans of Earth. I am a,,,well, maybe if you're sincerely interested I will telll you.


For now! I win!

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Now thats crazy talk.....


i win :biggrin:


Ho! Ho1 Hooo! No, that is the beginning of my fictional character, just like yours, "Thor." You probably picked your Thor costume out of a theme or maybe you are the author of the Comic strip, for all I know. I could look at your profile. For now I am going to ignor that.


I just had an idea and I'm going with it. I even have figured out what my characters food is. So. So, Until the next part of my thrilling characters life after being born in this fictional world is complete, goodnight.


I will retrun tomorrow to see how many of you have placed your wins and will win once more. Or maybe even a dozen times more?


Good night. I win again!

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