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The last poster wins


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i honestly would see it.. if.. i wasn't 20,000 feet in the air.. on my flying secret of mana mountain fortress of DOOM /echo

yup.. i got my own mobile fortress of the skies.. and on the ass end is a giant license plate that reads "EYE-WIN-AGN-L0L"

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yeah well.. me and master chief go way back and since he's to busy filming red vs blue he doesn't have time to speak for himself so i'll just tell you what he said in a short qoute..




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Well you may be 20000 feet up in the air....umm....but I have the WIN flag locked down in my bunker under Mt. Olympus! And its guarded by....ummm....that guy!

*Points to the Master Chief*



Kenny - 1


Everyone else - 0



Who are these guys ??? Thinking they can win.


Just . . . give the victory to . . . me

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