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I had a great time in college learning from others and sharing idea's. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


It was a lot of fun getting to know new people, their life plans, and the variety of people from different countries made me aware of even greater schools of learning. Once I was awakened to the fact life was limiting only by the lack of knowledge where I lived I was out of the house and on the highway to greater learning.


You must see the San Francisco Golden Gate Gardens in person. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif Magazines, movies, YouTube shorts, don't do it Justice.

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I think I want to be an interpreter/translator.


But I know I am the winner!

If I would have chosen to be a translator, I would have a guaranteed job by now.

I learn new languages so easily it's almost magic, and all by myself (Well, me, the TV and video games). I'm planing to teach myself Italian, French, Russian and Turkish in the next few years, just for fun.


But eh, I like computers more apparently so I chose the harder path. Programming languages are fun too :teehee:


Anyway, back to Guild Wars 2.

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I would go play Guild Wars but I might have to go pick up someone's kid from school (-.- They aren't related to me at all, but their mom isn't home) soon. Instead I'll sit here drawing and stuff. Hoping I don't have to drive up to the high school again. Ugh. First I drive thirty minutes to college... Yep... I have to go get her, 4:45. So like 15 minutes. (Got the call as I was typing lol) Anyway takes me half an hour to get to college and half an hour to get back home, then I have to go get my brothers from school and come back home and now back to the school again and back home.

On a side note my brother yelled at me because I thought it said Boom and Bewn not Bewm (I couldn't read the M, either time I saw it. Although I thought it was Boom Bewm at first but then I thought oh... No that's an N). Oh wow I'm sooooo sorry, I was off a freakin letter. Is it such a big deal?


Have fun Guild Wars-ing Iv000, I'm jealous. :P


Ooo I have a birthday to attend tomorrow.

Edited by K00L
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Lol, so I guess you're the taxi service? :P


And yes, be jealous. This is what I've been doing for the past few hours:




I bought tons of red dye, then I decided brown looks better. I also OCD'd over the dyeing system today.

Btw the image is heavily post-processed, I played with blur and shadows/highlights a bit. I can also see that I have AA turned off :/

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