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As far as being a stay at home mom, with the price of gas (petrol) and the fuel mileage (kilometers per liter), the only place you could go would be up and down your driveway.

My daughter and son-in-law recently returned from a Baltic Sea cruise. On the way home, they stopped in London to visit some friends. One of whom was a tour guide. He related this incident and swore it was true. "During one of my tours of London, a tourist asked about the beeping sound that she heard at the intersections in town. I told her it was to help guide the blind and to alert them to intersections. She replied "That's nice and all, but in America, we don't let them drive!" :facepalm:

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I want a car with a decent ride height that wouldn't scrape along the edge of a driveway-curb heading onto the street. You know what i mean.


Not like this car lol




Something practical please

Edited by Thor.
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Back in red dress ...


Everything for a maiden fair :whistling:


Oh wow, now that is definitely an I want. Kids can definitely walk.


I neeeeeeeed that car :D

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From all the squadmates in all three Mass Effect games, Javik is the best. Plus, he always wants to throw stuff out the airlock :biggrin:

:armscrossed: Javik is dumb. I hate him. And Zaeed. I want to throw both of them out the airlock!


I really need to get a new car
How about a 1959 Cadillac Eldorado?http://www.dreams-cars.org/images/Galerie/Cadillac/Cadillac_Eldorado_1959/Cadillac_Eldorado_1959_01.jpg
Somehow I knew you would use that smiley.
Now that is a classic. I would love that but somehow I don't think its practical for a stay-at-home mom :(

My mom has a 1968 Chevelle. :D


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