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Soooo.... I uh... went out to my car after college. And... Took a picture then sat for like ten minutes doing this.


Then I got home and took a picture of... Fruit... This is what happens when my new phone has a camera... And apps.

iPhone? Or a droid?

And I know what you mean >.> It's strangely addicting to go around taking pictures of...everything.

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Soooo.... I uh... went out to my car after college. And... Took a picture then sat for like ten minutes doing this.Then I got home and took a picture of... Fruit... This is what happens when my new phone has a camera... And apps.
iPhone? Or a droid?And I know what you mean >.> It's strangely addicting to go around taking pictures of...everything.

Specifically the phone is an HTC Evo (which is an android phone, not used to all the fancy stuff but its nice. You should have seen the pictures my old phone took <.< ). My mom had it but didn't want all the stuff so she deactivated it and switched to her old one. My old phone was acting up so switched to the Evo. Well I thought the mirror looked cool reflecting the old building, but yeah... The fruit was... random.

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I slept for 6 hours today because i couldn't for the life of me sleep at all last night, from 2 in the afternoon to 8 in the evening, i was shocked how long i slept. After that i was awake and lively, but now i feel like passing out lol..


i really only wanted an hour http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif

Edited by Thor.
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As soon as me pillow touches me hair, sleep runs away.

Me legs want to chase after, me arms want to flail.

Yet I find meself barely awake, tired in the middle O' the day.

I'm a search'n for the rest and peace I know to be just beyond the vale.

The sheep don't count toward me rest.

Soft music, babbling brook neither will take.

The ancient draugr lays upon me breast.

She sleeps and her I dare not wake.

For at least one of us may have sleep.

More and more, I find

that with my troubled mind,

the seeds I sow, I cannot reap.




It's getting to be that awful time in Florida when the autumn air stays high and nights are comfortable outdoors but inside it's just the wrong temperature and the humidity doesn't help. The air conditioning won't kick in and it's too humid to open the windows, balls to Florida, BALLS!

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