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Hey! I have just seen "RAGE" rejuvenated. RAGE is a game that Bethesda gave us. I already had it on STEAM. When I got to the gates to SANCTUARY I realized Borderlands 2 is almost a replica of RAGE. Now with the questions.


Whose game came out with all that style first?

Which one do you think is the better of the two?

Fallout. Hah, Just kidding :laugh: ... kinda. :geek:


Borderlands came out first but I think they were in development at about the same time. Rage was under development before Id was acquired by Bethesda and Borderlands went through a complete graphics overhaul otherwise they would have looked really similar.



Borderlands is better in my opinion, mostly because I don't care for John Carmack's fps style of games(I find the Doom franchise to be games for neanderthals) and Borderlands doesn't take itself too seriously which is refreshing, plus the four player co-op with a bazillion different guns makes Borderlands more engaging over the long term.

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