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My mouse is broken :/ I need a new one.

Right now it's turning left click on and off whenever it feels like it, literally I just have to hover over stuff and it will select it/click it without my input. Maybe it's Skynet >.>


I used this one for 4 years, won it on a competition in 2009 or 2008. I'll miss it :( Requiescat in pace topo

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Sad to read that your mouse is going to be replaced and I think i know how you feel about your beloved friend for years and all the games and work you have done with your mouse.
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Well its good to know that there are others with birthdays on the 29th. Its my grand daughter's, she'll be 3. A lovely little girl full of vim and vigour, a wonderful character who doesn't hesitate to tell you what she thinks :D
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Sad to read that your mouse is going to be replaced and I think i know how you feel about your beloved friend for years and all the games and work you have done with your mouse.

I will try and fix it, I don't want to give up on this good guy yet. The middle button is stuck and the left button is spazzing out. But I think I can fix that. (Also, it's not Skynet. My headphones were pressing a button on my Bamboo tablet... >.>)

It has a small green LED light in the center that pulsates. It makes it look like it has a heartbeat. This mouse was with me since 2008-ish where I was just a kid trying to get along with computers, and now where I'm getting into them professionally. I want it to stay with me while I'm in my golden age of discovery. :happy:


Enough sentimentalism over tech for today :D I'll go sleep, it's late and I'm tired.

Hope you all will have a nice day/night. Goodnight.

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Tired of being sick, its been 2 days and i still can't over the soar throat and chills, can't seem to regulate my body temp without 3 layers of covers brrr..


Fevers suck..http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif


Ohhh if it was a plasma stand it would be this





Not a bad deal either



Edited by Thor.
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Caution: Rant may be hot. Handle with care.


THAT should be something they fix, not add titles and challenges that really are just clutter to hide their LUCK based booster pack bullshiz!

I have gotten ten new characters out of the thirty four added by all the multiplayer dlcs. I have all of the stock weapons at level ten as well as weapons I don't use at least at six if not higher. I have more medigel and those stupid ammo packs than I'll ever use. ALL I WANT IS A GODDAM CERBERUS HARRIER OR A SHINY NEW CHARACTER( A Volus please, milord).


You might say with calm resonance into the vacuum of my ears, "Well, Alan, if you spent 90hrs a week on the game then you might have some decent swag."


Then I'd reply indignantly, "Who is Alan? I'm not Alan, anyway, I would spend an unfathomable amount of time on the game if I didn't constantly get disconnected or locked into a weird purgatory on wave one where everybody dies for no reason and no enemies appear on every other quick match."


So you might whisper in a 'matter of fact' way, "Well Eric, why don't you just play a private game with your friends? That way the connection is constant and you don't have to deal with those horrible people out there singing Lady Gaga songs loudly into the microphone, arguing with their mothers or twelve year-olds spouting '1337speak' like it was actual language."


After a brief pause I speak clearly through a pillow, "To that I say, NAY! I don't like my friends. And my name isn't Eric either. The problem is that for all the tweaking, Bioware hasn't managed to make their multiplayer any better, as far as pre-match goes, they've just managed to get more people to play their test in patience......



And then you reply in a high sultry voice, "Well, Douglas, Bioware can't hear you, why don't you go to their forums to complain with the jackasses feeding them these horrible ideas."

SERENITY NOW!!!!....... Insanity later


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@lvl000 :thumbsup: 8)

@dirk45 Lady Gaga Songs ? .... Run, run, close your ears, speakers and all windows and doors or you will go raw raw raw in your head.





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