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I want to play videogames. However, I got a hand me down home theater thingy and it's too late to have explosions and alien orgasms blasting out of the speakers and It'd be too much work to undo all the settings to get blah audio out of my tv. So I am here.


Time for lamprey orgy:http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc5c1zbIFA1rgkqsio1_500.jpg


Now I won't be able to sleep.

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...Someone... shoot me now. So my character is stuck in GW2. Like stuck with no escape.

That's my reward for beating that damn clocktower? Forever alone... http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/619/Untitled-1.jpg In the outside of a map... No waypoints. No way to get to WvW or PvP. There really is no way out.



I seriously feel like I might go cry somewhere. That tower was so frustrating and when I thought I actually beat it... I was so happy.

And then I was completely devastated when it started freaking out, loaded, and I was in between two spinning clock towers. Floating in the water above a gear. With... no.... f***ing... escape. Slightly pissed off to be honest.

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It's all part of the devs evil plan, Clipping in between maps is a feature, not a glitch http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif Edited by Thor.
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damn caps lockhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif


funny its on the nasa site, looking for more for on it..





although this one is in real time




Its almost like its stalled over the ocean and coastal regions.

Edited by Thor.
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It's all part of the devs evil plan, Clipping in between maps is a feature, not a glitch http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

Probably. One of the NPCs was mumbling something about your greed will be your downfall. Or something similar. I'd say that has proven true. :tongue:

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