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Relax, both photos are really heavily magnified.


The one Ironman posted is a Phiddipus of some variety-in reality that would be about 50% of the size of your pinkey nail, or smaller. It's called a Jumping Spider because it uses jolts of biohydraulic overpressure from it's coxal glans to launch it up into the air, it then flies through the air, trailing an anchored rope of web, and tries to land on whatever it's trying to eat, usually aphids and small ants, fleas, and another tiny insects. The Huntsman normaly gets to about the size of a penny, but a fully grown female can be as much as 5 inchs across. If you REALLY want a shocker, there's this. THIS is the Brazilian Salmon-Pink bird-eating spider. Commonly kept as a pet due to it's long lifespan, non-aggressiveness, impressive size and shear ease of care, it's found in hot, steamey Brazilian jungles where it eats centipedes, big worms, and even small mice. Don't let it's size and fearsome appearence decieve you; I've actually handled one of these, they're really gentle, and very easy scare.


Holding a Tarantula is a funny sensation, they're cold "blooded" (spiders do not have blood or even muscles or a stomach or lungs) and the front half (cephalothorax) which contains the legs, coxal glands(which make the legs move), digestive biomass pump("sucker-stomach) brain and venom sac/fang/mouthpart/reproductive organ cluster(Chelicerae and Pedipalps) is cold, like a lizard or snake, but the rear half(abdomen) which contains the digesting tubules, web glands and spinnerets, the gills, the urticating barbs and the heart, isn't just warm, it's hot. It's all prickly too, they live in trees and have these little hook-claws on their feet and on top, urticating barbs.




Again, it's not to scale. Spread your fingers out as far as they'll reach, assuming you've got fairy big hands, that's about how big they get. Those hairs on the legs are actually it's main sense organs from what i know. Like cat whiskers.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I hate spiders :( I once woke up with one on my foot.... :ohdear:


creepy, i once walked in my bathroom and thier was a HUGE wolf spider on the wall right behind the toliet, i was half asleep and not fully registering what i was seeing.


so i mumbled, "sorry, i dodn't know anyone was in here"




on a side note why is my post counter on each of my posts incorrect yet my profile post counter one is ? :unsure:

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