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Jumping spiders are fine. If its inside I'll catch it in my hand to take it out. They are too small and colorful (not to mention I think the way they move is cute) to been scary. Wolf spiders, fine. Just don't crawl on me. Garden spiders fine. I like their color and patterns. And they are always outside.

But, we have so many nasty ones in my area. Brown recluses (one was on my desk once and almost bit me. I sqaushed it like ten times. Overkill? Maybe.), black widows (egh... Seen one before inside and old tennis ball in my yard. My dad let it live...), and then two that I can't name. One is this see through tannish color spider, I always say house spider idk if that's right. The other always has webs about face height in our woods and are icky looking. Spiny hunched back kind of things. Always small but I hate them.

Biggest problem within spiders? Like naomis said. Too fast.

Edited by K00L
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I get massive spiders in my house all the time especially this time of year because it's dry for them. They are great for getting rid of smaller bugs but my gf freaks out when she sees them so I have to evict them :facepalm:


The biggest one was literally the size of my hand, not just the palm it was quite impressive :tongue:

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Yeah if I saw any kind of spider in my house that big idk whatI would do.
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Omg, all this spider talk is making me jumpy. Not a big fan of spiders. The ones we have here are rather small and easy to avoid or ignore. I have nets for my windows to keep the bugs out during the Summer( I keep them on all year), so there are few insects in my house. I once had a dragonfly larvae in my fish tank. It was living with my betta fish and they seemed to get along just fine. A couple weeks later it turned into a dragonfly, but sadly it died. All the bugs I can catch, especially flies and mosquitoes, I fed them to my betta fish. He's a real hunter.



BTW: A happy birthday to our birthday girl. I wish you all the best!


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I was between getting my ISP to respond and make wire to fiber connection repairs so my Internet Service was stable at the speeds they suggested and at the speed they also state in their help page.


I was able to get them to do a full line test after all these years and discovered the wires were as old as the first to have been installed for telephones.


You know, that string stretched between 2 metal cans. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wink.gif


The tech found two of them were close enough that it caused mine to actually quit working. I have only lived at this address 3 miles from my old rental space since 1998. I, like many other people may be, was under the assumption that since the Internet arrived the phone companies wires and fibers would have been updated.


My bad! I know better now.


Oh! And for the moment I have the speeds I expect is all they can afford to give us and still meet the expectations which they suggest we are getting.


I had 1.5 Mbps and was lucky if I got the marginal amount at 1.2 Mbps which they call 80% of 256 KBps. Not Mbps. 1.5 Mbps are = to 256 KBps. That is there rates in bits and Bytes . So now I am getting nearly 87% of the expected speed with the upgraded 3 Mbps downstream which became affordable when their prices were more reasonable 15 years today 2012.


I wonder if they are teaching this in the Universities and Colleges of Technology to their students who are being hired as Help for installing and testing our phone lines and Modems?


If not... I know something I could make a business out of that would soar like an Eagle restoring the middle class to our system in the U. S. of A.


Oh! I WIN ! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif

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