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Y'know that feeling, when you look at your modded Skyrim and it feels like you're trying to sell yourself a really pretty vase but you know that it's been broken and chipped so many times - inside it is just duct tape holding it together? Yet I buy it every time and I don't even like flowers.


Wait, I think that simile got out of hand. Hold on.... I'll take care of it [brandishes a shotgun] the old-fashioned way. [gunshots]


Don't ask me how, but the simile got the gun. EVERYBODY RUN!

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Something a bit strange happened today on TV. Almost all TV rights in Australia are owned by pay TV, since there's very little legislation as to what must be publicly available(news, LOCAL sport) and that means the few remaining non-cable networks usually go through directors like an M134 goes through ammunition. One particular network had been in dire straits recently due to their abysmal programming, but today they did something absolutely nonsensical. Their only remaining strong channel was a sports network, with it's ratings peak being it's weekend motorsport, which occupies it's primetime slot. This weekend they've moved that from it's primetime slot to 2:30 in the morning, and replaced their entire evening lineup with repeats of what could well be the most hated program in Australia, their breakfast hour. I simply cannot fathom why they would do this, let alone just for a day, but for the whole week, it's no secret that everyone hates their morning programs... ...so why they would essentially devote an entire channel to it makes no sense, let alone repeats of it from months and months ago.
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We have speed tv and all the good channels that cover everything from Nurburgring to Indy. endless sports. But honestly i never watch tv to begin with, Lost interest in it 3 years ago


Off topic, i have yet to beat hyperius the invincible, you think Crawremax was hard think again, its not the only one, you have Master gee afterwards for seraph crystals and so on. Its insane. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif Borderlands 2 has officially the most badass bosses ever conceived.


Even though i have the bee shield and a few awesome gold weapons its still impossible. Although i can farm teramorphous quite easy.

Edited by Thor.
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Then you haven't played Shadow of The Collosus, or God Of War, what kinda PS fan are ya? :biggrin:


Ugh, I was farming The Warrior today and found a horrendous exploit that made me invulnerable to his attacks.

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