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The last poster wins


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I question why people would ever vote for Todd Akin, but there are people saying they will. God sometimes people in Missouri are so stupid. Maybe its the meth. Since you know... Missouri has the most meth labs. I mean there was even one inside a Wal-Mart!!! WHO DOES THAT!?


(Granted it wasn't a "lab" but some lady still was trying to make some inside the store)

No... I watched Breaking Bad. You have to be smarter than the people who vote for Todd Akin to know how to use a Bunsen burner or even a reduction flask.


No it's just the party system, a dumbass with an "R" next to his name is preferable to a kind gentleman of reasonable intelligence if he has a "D" or god forbid an "I" next to his name as long as he helps you maintain a "majority". We have a guy kinda like him down here, Allen West. He doesn't always say things about rape that sound offensive but he comes awful close. And to top it off, he's black so naturally any reference to his history of misogyny and aggressive nature is racist. Luckily he wasn't on my ballot.



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