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The last poster wins


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I done voted fer the prezydent.


And the crap load of other things. I took my grandpa's advice and "got their asses out" when it came to judges, since I know nothing about any of the judges.

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:( I'm sorry to hear that Werne. I never dealt with death, but knowing myself it would hit me really hard (Too hard most likely) if something like that would happen to me.


Here's a nice song, since we're sharing those already: http://soundcloud.com/dj-dain/dont-worry-im-yours-mashup


And I'm going sleep, it's late and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Night everyone.

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I done voted fer the prezydent.


And the crap load of other things. I took my grandpa's advice and "got their asses out" when it came to judges, since I know nothing about any of the judges.

I did the same with the judges. I figure if they're doing a good job then everybody else will save them, if they suck then I'm in the right :dry: ----- I'm doing the correct thing.




Edit: If it helps, Werne I kinda know how you feel. I had a friend go not too long ago - drunk driver hit him doing 60mph in his neighborhood when he was walking home from my house. We were friends since the first grade. He turned me on to the Dire Straits and that song hits me in a similar way.



But enough of my moping, Now for some Bluegrass:


Edited by dirk45
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:( I'm sorry to hear that Werne. I never dealt with death, but knowing myself it would hit me really hard (Too hard most likely) if something like that would happen to me.

Dealing with death alone is not that hard, it's the memories that kill me the most. In my mind, I can relive every gruesome moment in perfect detail. It also happens involuntarily when something reminds me of it, a smell, picture or a sound. In that way I can also remember every person that died in my squad, every person I killed, every friend and relative I've lost in war and it haunts me every second of every day.


And you know what the worse part is? The only way to cure that, to make it stop, is to die.


Damn, now I feel depressed again. Let's just drop it before I consider "curing" myself, I actually have a reason to live now.

Edited by Werne
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