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Watched a few more vids and saw a scene from an old movie.

I thought that the new generation was the one who made 'gay' an offensive word? Why is it that a movie from quite some time ago uses the word 'pedercino' (Gay, but more offensive)?


I think I even heard my dad using it sometimes, besides hearing it every day 20 times by other people who use it randomly.

I wonder, how is it possible that they made a word that is meant to categorize people into an offensive one? I also wonder why people even think that it's something wrong.


Did anyone here ever get an answer from a anti-gay person on why they use that word and/or why they even think it's wrong to be gay? I'm so interested in that. I want to know what kind of logic people use to think of it as something negative.

Most I ever got from my best friend (Yes, my best friend is homophobic) was 'because'. I can only guess that it's taught? :confused: I want to talk to someone intelligent about that now.


Nobody to talk to, again. I want more friends to talk to about meaningful stuff.


You are seeing and hearing what people say, not what occurred when the word gay: meant someone was "jovial or happy". The new definitions got added in Urbanized psychological warfare. Its new definitions got started by people who had to stop saying the H word, the Q word, and other defamatory words by the order of their elders.


The meaning of gay became a slur by the children of others elders, those people who hate their neighbors all year round and are looking for any new method to get them riled up.


That gay means someone is happy also means if the neighbors, who are next door aren't allowed into the happy neighbors fun party house while they are having a happy time suggest to the mindset of their angry neighbors that the gay people must be doing something that isn't correct for adults like them to do too.


Are you doing something thought to be wrong, incorrect, or imitating your parent's when you are too young to be doing so?


The transition from gay: meaning happy; became a slur because of suspicious neighbors. There must be wrongful acts going on in those peoples homes was at first the thought of the local gossips (Women and men that had nothing better to do until they started writing their own newspapers full of gossip) suggesting the happy people must be acting like immature children pretending to be grown ups have sex with each other, and/or "doing it wrong according to the word's instruction manuall"


Anyone who is happy, happy rubbing each other until they have an orgasm falls into that category of selfish people having fun who aren't sharing with their neighbors. Of course they are usually neighbors who don't really like them anyway.


When I was talking about my failed attempts at matrimony in the talk rooms girls use to say, to me, "You dog!" It all depends on who is calling someone any name, whether it is a common word or not with definitions that express the terms which the word can be used and are out of context. Words get used to try to upset others for what they do, so the person who upsets them feels their side of the family tree gets more attention for doing things according to the family planner.


I would just like you to know I have become a master with studies, and like to research anything I find that is new to me. So I am a master researcher, but because I talk the way I do several people concluded I was, "baiting them". I became known as a Master baiter. Sounds just like what both sex's can do with our hands.


Maybe we could learn something from a snail, Look Ma! I can do it with no hands."



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If I was one of those multi-functional creatures I would not need a hand!http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifROFLOL

LMAO You guys made my day 100% better.


Watched a few more vids and saw a scene from an old movie.I thought that the new generation was the one who made 'gay' an offensive word? Why is it that a movie from quite some time ago uses the word 'pedercino' (Gay, but more offensive)?I think I even heard my dad using it sometimes, besides hearing it every day 20 times by other people who use it randomly.I wonder, how is it possible that they made a word that is meant to categorize people into an offensive one? I also wonder why people even think that it's something wrong.Did anyone here ever get an answer from a anti-gay person on why they use that word and/or why they even think it's wrong to be gay? I'm so interested in that. I want to know what kind of logic people use to think of it as something negative.Most I ever got from my best friend (Yes, my best friend is homophobic) was 'because'. I can only guess that it's taught? :confused: I want to talk to someone intelligent about that now.Nobody to talk to, again. I want more friends to talk to about meaningful stuff.

You know I had typed out a really long nice, witty comment on my phone. Then the touch screen keyboard froze. Then the whole phone froze on the lock screen. :tongue:

I'll type something close to it again.

In my school most of us felt like people shouldn't be criticized because of who they love, I mean you can't help things like that. You can't force yourself into loving someone you don't or being someone you aren't which is why I feel like people who are homophobic are dumb. No offense to your friend. I've only met one person who was like that in my whole life and he fits into my categories of close minded people (A. Religious B. Stupid C. Both, in fact he was a C). And people like that piss me off to no end. No matter what they are acting like that about. Whether its another religion or language or someone's sexuality or beliefs. I don't care what you think about that, and I'm sure those people who are being treated like that don't either.

In kids I'm sure its taught. Remember the thing we watched about the Westboro Baptist church? The kids didn't even know what gay meant but they were taught to hate it.

Gah... I'm going to stop... I actually have to quit playing GW2 sometimes because people talk rudely about other languages or cultures and I wouldn't be able to stop from saying something that would get me banned.

So, back on subject. Religion tends to be big factor in people being homophobic, everyone I knew that was like that were all super religious. Like "if you aren't religious you will burn miserably in hell for the rest of your pitiful life" religious. That and they would always argue. Ignorance is another big thing. Not getting to know people who are different and just assuming every stereotype out there is correct. People like that generally tend to be assholes in general though.


Now I'm going to go do something.

Edit: PS Pagafyr I put you in my status because you and Werne made my day a lot better with your conversation :P

Edited by K00L
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Watched a few more vids and saw a scene from an old movie.

I thought that the new generation was the one who made 'gay' an offensive word? Why is it that a movie from quite some time ago uses the word 'pedercino' (Gay, but more offensive)?


I think I even heard my dad using it sometimes, besides hearing it every day 20 times by other people who use it randomly.

I wonder, how is it possible that they made a word that is meant to categorize people into an offensive one? I also wonder why people even think that it's something wrong.


Did anyone here ever get an answer from a anti-gay person on why they use that word and/or why they even think it's wrong to be gay? I'm so interested in that. I want to know what kind of logic people use to think of it as something negative.

Most I ever got from my best friend (Yes, my best friend is homophobic) was 'because'. I can only guess that it's taught? :confused: I want to talk to someone intelligent about that now.


Nobody to talk to, again. I want more friends to talk to about meaningful stuff.

I was always taught that gay people are scum. My grandfather told me that he will personally kill me if I ever turn gay. World worked like that for a very long time and now it's hard to change old habits and living in a communist system didn't help either).


I however learned that listening to others is not always a good idea. If I had listened to everything my society tried to teach me I'd be a racistic, homophobic, egoistic moron. I decided to form my own opinion based on my own experience and that's why one of my close friends is gay, why I dated a gypsy (which really got my family upset, gypsies are considered even greater scum than gay people) and why I'm still a good friend with a black girl from next door while everyone else treats her like she's not human.


All these things are something that was taught for generations, it's just hard to let go for some people. And that's why this damn country will never go forward, we're stuck in the past and can't get out.

Edited by Werne
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Thank you for all the replies guys.

It means a whole lot to me.



Should I reply to that? Probably not :D Thanks, every time you write something it feels like you tore a page out of a novel and added your own style to it.



I actually sometimes raged a bit in GW2 about that. It was something about Polish people and hating them and blah. Idk, seeing stuff like that just makes me angry.

I've got an amazing Religious Ed professor. I seriously want him as a mentor. I wish more people would be like him. So much wisdom and logic in a person, I never thought I'd see that.

Thanks for the reply K. :D



I was homophobic (Kind of) years ago in elementary. Using those words too.

Lol, I'd slap my old self now. After I noticed that others influenced me in bad ways, I changed massively. Now I'm paranoid, shy and mentally not too well. But I'm a good person at least :D and I'll get better too.

Thanks, if you want to give some advice on how to survive my stay in our beautiful country, this young soul would love to hear some from a wise veteran :D

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