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Its a disorder that can sometimes go hand in hand with dyslexia, be standalone but is a sensory perception problem. What you see is not what your brain tells you you see. 3D is an issue, you're clumsy, not good in bright light, or sunshine, have problems reading black on white, headaches (usually escalating to migraines), nausea, dizziness, lack of concentration, neck and shoulder pain through tension trying to force yourself to read and concentrate. Oh and its more prevalent in males. On saying that my daughters and I all have Irlen's and dyslexia to some degree :D


There are ways and means to help control the condition but it can't be cured.

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Sweetheart I'm sure you have Irlen's syndrome or something similar. Is it a question of not being able to see the words on the page or is it a question of not understanding what is written or a mixture of both???

I can read everything but I can't make it stay in my head. I read 3 sentences and I forget what it said, or I finish reading the page and I have to re-read it because I have no idea what I just read, but that mostly doesn't do much.

This is also influencing my learning. I can't remember stuff even though I study for hours. My dad thinks I'm lying when I tell him that I studied but I don't know anything. Then he yells and tells me to go study even longer, and that I will study untill I memorize everything.


It's been like that since always, but it's getting increasingly difficult every year.

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@lv000: then I would hazard a guess that you have Irlen's. No amount of forcing yourself to read will help. You need to ask your teacher/mentor if they have any coloured acetates, these are pieces of coloured plastic which you put on a page to turn down the glare. There are many different colours and you'll have to look through them to see which one works for you. Once you have that you will be half-way there.


You should also ask teachers for copies of notes for the lesson on coloured paper, pastels green, blue or even yellow or pink, this should take some of the strain off your eyes and help you follow the lesson especially if they use whiteboards for writing on.


This is an interim measure, as you will eventually need glasses, even if your eyesight is perfect just get plain glass and then they need to be sent away for tinting. To do this you need an Irlen's practitioner who will test you to see which filters and colours you will need. This then means that you will be able to go out in the day without feeling as if your head will explode and colour and definition will suddenly become more precise.


You need to find out how to get these things sorted for yourself. Irlen's testing in the UK is usually conducted by a psychologist trained in it.


Let me know how you get on :D

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I have a horrible headache and I have no idea what I'm doing.Seeing small flashing lights is bad I guess?

Sounds like a migraine. Its not bad, it just means its a horrible headache.

Most of my family gets them. My mom and both my brothers. I get them sometimes. Most of the time its a genetic thing. But people can randomly get them I guess. Nothing to worry about though (aside from the fact that they are awful).

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They can mean that you have Irlen's especially with the other symptoms you've described. Don't worry there are ways and means of sorting it :D
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I have a horrible headache and I have no idea what I'm doing.Seeing small flashing lights is bad I guess?

Sounds like a migraine. Its not bad, it just means its a horrible headache.

Most of my family gets them. My mom and both my brothers. I get them sometimes. Most of the time its a genetic thing. But people can randomly get them I guess. Nothing to worry about though (aside from the fact that they are awful).

Too many Sulfates.


But hey, you do have to make food edible.

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