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Far cry 3 has a career mode??





So getting it for pc


recommended specs, directx 11 http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif



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I'm so excited for Farcry 3 that i am going to pre order the collectors edition, hmmm 19 days left. I hope its still on.


Finally i could call Farcry 3 a fps rpg - platformer








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Tinted plastic/glases can make me memorize stuff? I don't know, I will ask my psychiatrist on the 22nd when I'll take the intelligence test.


No they will enable you to read without headaches. Irlen's is about what you see and how you interpret it. If you can't see properly then you can't interpret what it is you are seeing. Makes sense yes. Then if you have that coupled with another learning difficulty then you are at a complete disadvantage and need educational support to enable you to compete with your peers on an equal footing.


Luckily we have that as a law in this country.

Ah, okay now I get it. Can you describe me what help you get in the UK?


I decided to put it in a spoiler since it rant-y again.



I won't get any help in my school. The education system here is focused on actually filtering out those who can't keep up, like me. They don't want to bother with me, they just want me to get a random job at a random location with a small salary so they can be done with me. Maybe one professor or two will adapt a bit, but I can assure you I won't get any help in the subjects I'm worst at. And there's also no help for college. Like, none.


Also, my dad just got home. I asked him if I will get any help, if there's any kind of even minor support I might be able to get.

He told me straight in my face 'Nobody will help you'. And I know that, I had a teacher in elementary who was meant to help me. He wanted to give me 'instructions' in math. Yes, turned out he was a pedophile, turned out he just wanted money and not help me and my dad had to move him to another school so he won't bother me.


Some people are just lucky enough to be born in places like the UK, and some are unlucky enough to be born in Croatia.

I am unlucky enough to be born in Croatia, as the most hated minority, with mental problems.


Combo breaker at it's finest.



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