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Something is seriously wrong with my internet. Any game online keeps disconnecting. I can only download at 60Kb max.

My router has been acting funny so I'm wondering if its that. Sometimes everything in the house just loses connection.


Speedtest.... >.> (And it isn't doing better in Europe like it normally does for some reason! Ask Iv000, it really did do better in Slovenia than ten miles away from me.)



(in case this doesn't show up I did it again and I'll type the results. Ping:351 DL:0.3Mbps UL: 0.73Mbps [First time my upload has been faster than download] and I swear every time I do it everything gets worse.)


Um okay I just got this message but I don't know what the hell it means...

The Connection Monitor has detected a third party router connected to the 2Wire Gateway.


If you want to connect additional computers or devices to your network:


Click the Resolve button below to enable the Connection Manager to correct the problem. There may be a delay of up to one minute while the Connection Manager resolves the problem.


Click the Disable button below if you want to continue using your Router behind Router.

WARNING: Many applications may not work in this case.

The Connection Manager has detected a third party router connected to your 2Wire Gateway. This creates a condition where two routers each attempt to manage devices behind a NAT. This can create instability in your network and affect performance.


The Connection Manager can assign your third party router to DMZ Plus Mode. This will allow both the 2Wire Gateway and third party router to share the same public IP. Follow the instructions on the previous page to assign your third party router to the DMZ.


If you need to share devices within a network, the recommended solution is to attach a switch or hub to your 2Wire Gateway, and connect devices from your network to the switch. In this configuration, the NAT capabilities of your 2Wire Gateway will assign private IP addresses to the connected devices, and allow those devices access to the internet via the public IP issued by your ISP.


I know nothing about this stuff. -.-

This is what happens when you live out in the country, you have one option for internet because even the satellite (The ones that like to exclaim, tired of your slow internet? GET OURS ANNNNNYYYY WHERE (except in the rural areas of Missouri derp) YAY FAST INTERNET BY THINGS THAT FLOAT IN THE SKY!!! I'm certain you have all heard this commercial, I mean I put the exact words and everything :P ) won't provide it out where you live.Thing is ten miles away from me Google is installing their super fast internet... COME SAVE ME GOOGLE!


Have you gotten any help for the problem?


When ever that used to happen I unplugged the modem for 15 seconds. I mean I pulled the power plug out of it and let it alone for 15 seconds. Then I would plug it back in and it would reset it to normal down load and upload speeds again. If that didn't work. I called my Internet Service Provider and talked to the people in the Internet tech repair department and they discovered the problem after a few tries.


It looks like your download speed is too slow, while the the upload speed isn't unusually slow.

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Not enough bandwidth piping through your House or building, so you get e regulator hiccups once in awhile, happened to me.


Just ask them to increase it.

Edited by Thor.
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Omg my 18mth old dog Mr Binx has fallen in love with one of my 6mth old kittens. He pines for her when she goes outside to play, licks her to death when she comes in and checks her from head to toe to make sure she's in one piece. He doesn't do it to her litter mate or ninjakitty just her. I'm sure she's gonna end up traumatised and he's confused about what species he is :facepalm:


Hell's teeth he's now taken the leaf off ninjakitty that she hunted, brought down and gave me for a gift :D

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I pre ordered far cry 3, i had to get that off my chesthttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif Edited by Thor.
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