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I hate the television. I'm glad our generals got back home but I don't need to listen to it all day, it's annoying :facepalm:

It's all over Facebook (Why the hell do 15 year olds care so much about Gotovina and Markač?), everybody is talking about it, my math prof spent one whole hour talking about it too.

My IT professor will put Gotovina on his PC background again (Which is being projected on a wall) and we will have to listen to hours and hours of political and war stuff.


This picture:




will be staring at me for 2 hours every Thursday.


I mean it's nice that they're home, but a live camera of them in church is a tad too much.

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It's all over Facebook (Why the hell do 15 year olds care so much about Gotovina and Markač?), everybody is talking about it, my math prof spent one whole hour talking about it too.

My IT professor will put Gotovina on his PC background again (Which is being projected on a wall) and we will have to listen to hours and hours of political and war stuff.


This picture:




will be staring at me for 2 hours every Thursday.


I mean it's nice that they're home, but a live camera of them in church is a tad too much.

I don't use Facebook so at least I avoided it there :biggrin:


And hell, I had to watch that picture in the base all day. My CO wanted me to go watch over Gotovina with the security detail (those cops can't even shoot a chicken :rolleyes:). I told him to piss off, I wanted a quiet day with my girlfriend and my damn mother in law (she came here all the way from Iran just to annoy me).


I mean yeah, I'm glad they're back since I know Gotovina's brother Boro (Borislav, he hates when I call him like that) and my father served under him during Oluja but I don't have to look at the news reporters counting how many times Gotovina farted :confused:


They even removed the movie I wanted to watch just so they can squeeze in 2 more hours of news. Damn it :facepalm:

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Go add a mod to Skyrim and try to keep it running. This ought to keep you busy for a few days. By then, everything will be back to normal. :mellow:

Nah, I found something better to do:



It's far less painful and frustrating than trying to mod Skyrim :biggrin:

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So... those guys were found guilty of war crimes in Yugoslavia, sentenced to prison, then won their appeals and were allowed to return to Croatia?


It seems like that took a long time for nothing to happen. Remind me not to get arrested in eastern Europe.

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So... those guys were found guilty of war crimes in Yugoslavia, sentenced to prison, then won their appeals and were allowed to return to Croatia?


It seems like that took a long time for nothing to happen. Remind me not to get arrested in eastern Europe.

You'll receive a treatment that good only if you go to the International Court of Justice.


If you get arrested in Croatia you'll die of old age in prison before our court figures out you've been arrested in the first place :biggrin:


And then they will sue you for dying in their prison :laugh:

Edited by Werne
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