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Wait a minute here is the real source, ts expensive now but it was one sale when i bought it. If you want quality you gotta pay up http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif Although its worth every penny.




Also works with older console http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

Edited by Thor.
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At work today we had a training day, double hours, but still reasonable. it was really interesting-not the sort of dumb training day where you sit around and get taught the same skills you did at uni, but one that actually taught me a few new skills related to IT and fixing new tech that's come into use since my tertiary education. Perhaps the most interesting part was watching an old VCR(!) of how they did our job back in the early '80s; with one machine the size of a battletank I can do a job in about 3 hours which would have taken 140 men, three factories and an aluminium smelter to do in 1984. Fabbing new parts on-site has been neccesary for decades, but it wasn't until the invention of tools like the Laze and Poseidon that it became a job that could literally be done by one employee in a timeframe of minutes, not day.


The best example I can give is building Engine blocks; in the '80s making an engine block started with Draftsmen; they took 2D blueprints, and carved out Mahogany Formers. The Formers were used to cast sillicate moulds, into the moulds was poured molten aluminium, which then cured and solidified to produce the block. Nowadays you take a raw block, and then use either the 'Laze(A lazer-based fully autonomous cutting mache) or the Poseidon(a water-based cutting machine, bigger than an Abrams tank but a one-man job to use) to cold-cut it into shape from the basic plates. It's even simpler with body panels, we can make those in about half an hour with the Laze cold-cutting the metal, and then a hydrohammer to shape it. It's something I could do myself, in minutes, back then, they had to go through the full Former > Mould > DieCast > Demould > Soothe process for every panel, which took days. Production quality was vastly reduced aswell, since the Laze never misses it's mark, wheras Dies and Formers degrade over time.



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Do the other ones suck? Because the price difference is crazy. :blink:


Probably yes, if you want something that works, cheap isn't always a good idea.


Of course there is this onehttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wacko.gif




So many look alikes, wonders if there is any scammers.

Edited by Thor.
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It's just odd to me that the prices can be in a $50 error cone. Must be a lot of cheap knock offs. :unsure:



Side note: It really grinds my gears when you try to play a computer game that's like 6-8 years old and you don't remember how you got it working with Windows 7 the last time you played it and you just have to play it for some reason. I'm trying to get The Battle for Middle Earth II: Rise of the Witch King to work and I can get the The Battle for Middle Earth II to play but the expansion pack doesn't like my CD (Both are legit by the way). So frustrating that EA was so myopic when it comes to future proofing it's games.

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