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About Far Cry 3.

TB had the pre-release version, or at least the version before the patch.

Apparently, the patch enabled the DX11 features TB couldn't have access to by that time, and apparently they break the game majorly. I'm not sure if it's DX11 itself, or AA, or SSAO, or any of the other features only available with DX11, but with them the game becomes a crappy, stutter-y, low-FPS thingy that is barely playable, even at lowest settings.


DX9 is fine though, half of the stuff is on Very High, other on High and the FPS is great.

The fact that you get free weapons because you climb up the radio towers is a bit pointless...feels too easy imo.

Edited by Iv000
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About Far Cry 3.

TB had the pre-release version, or at least the version before the patch.

Apparently, the patch enabled the DX11 features TB couldn't have access to by that time, and apparently they break the game majorly. I'm not sure if it's DX11 itself, or AA, or SSAO, or any of the other features only available with DX11, but with them the game becomes a crappy, stutter-y, low-FPS thingy that is barely playable, even at lowest settings.


DX9 is fine though, half of the stuff is on Very High, other on High and the FPS is great.

The fact that you get free weapons because you climb up the radio towers is a bit pointless...feels too easy imo.


We'll see about the low fps thingy with my setup http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif I bet that was a early patch you had, try looking at he main Farcry 3 Homepage. Its at 1.01 at the moment but i can see a later patch fixing whatever early dx11 patch may be at launch.


They need tessellated textures to go along with it.

Edited by Thor.
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Game already is at 1.01.

And I'm not talking about my setup being weak/yours being stronger. I'm pretty sure that was/is a problem with the game. A 6870 shouldn't have such major problems, besides I turned all other settings to low and it was still there. And the menu's felt extremely unresponsive when DX11 was enabled as well.


Well idk, DX9 is fine by me. I'm not all for graphics anyway. :happy:

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Night everyone, finally feel tired after power napping fro 4 and a half ours http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif I was out do to exhaustion...............
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