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The last poster wins


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Borderlands 2 got 3rd place-game of the year, halo 4 a close 7th. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif




i don't know why Mass effect 3 is on there??? pay out from EA maybe.


Perhaps and this is just me there is more to ME3 than the ending? I don't know, it's something to ponder :whistling:


I win

A wrong ending can ruin the whole series.

I gave an example of that pages earlier, with Harry Potter. What would have happened if Rowling would have written 'And then Harry woke up in his bedroom' at the end of the last novel? The same thing that happened to ME3. A shitty ending can ruin the whole experience, no matter what.

Same goes for Assassin's Creed 3.

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Planes that fly sideways. What will they think of next? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

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I am glad AC3 isn't on there. That game feels like a big advertisement for another AC game.Well, so does ME3. GW2 deserves GOTY imo. TWD is amazing as well.In other news Black Ops 2 made...


I wonder why. :facepalm:

If any of those win I hope it is either GW2 or ME3. Despite most people not liking the ending I didn't think it was that bad. Although Iv000 you've given a reason that is different than what I saw most people say which is nice. I felt like everyone had the same reasoning behind not liking it and I didn't understand them. What you said does make sense though.

Also Black Ops 2 is actually really good. I don't really like Call of Duty that much but I do like the two Black Ops games. But I know most people just want it for the multiplayer. Blegh. I don't like that. I like playing it with my family or friends but I don't like doing multiplayer online on games like that. Its just not that fun to me. I liked the singleplayer story.


Edit: I was looking at voting for some of them but... I haven't played a lot of them. xD It actually appears that only two games I have played are on any of the lists. Guild Wars 2 and Mass Effect 3. GW2 got my vote for art and ME3 for music and sound. Oh wait three games. I forgot about Black Ops 2. That was for multiplayer though so I didn't vote. xD

Edited by K00L
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