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Far Cry 3 as of yet unplayable do to sever micro stuttering which seems everyone is suffering from, it ain't just me. the Ubisoft forum is flooded with complaints.


i get 60fps maxed out, but it once it happens the game lags out and drops to 50fps or even 12 at points.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif


Also looks like amd is still competing against Nvidia cards, the 7990 is out. Judging by the reviews it out performs the gtx690




I have two 7950's so I'm competing against the gtx680, except the bus speeds of the 7950's is higher.

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So, my cleaver is now nearly finished and working in-game.




Normal map could be better, I'll tweak the specular a bit.


Also add blood to the blade, to give it a more lethal look.


Might dirty up the handle too, so it looks like it's been used for 200 years.


But it's more-or-less done, all the stuff I need to tweak is light work.

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i wish it was snowing here, are weather has been very unusual this year so far. Like fluctuating temps from +12c +6c +2c +0c -1c 7c- degree's in a few days. i guess climate change has lots to do with it, sense the jet streams all messed up, ever sense that snowmageddon we had 3 years ago. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif



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