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There is a new radeon 7x series drivers out for far cry 3 12.11 Beta, it might solve some issues like fps micro stutter. Downloading it now.




check the date at the bottom.

Edited by Thor.
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I gotta get some sleep, also 12 days until i can unwrap my AMD 8350 fgdesjfdfdgkf Dude can't wait to see how well it would run Far cry 3. My 1100t is starting to show its age. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif Edited by Thor.
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Grandma had a stroke and is now in hospital, just visited her and she forgot my name :(


Here's a random cat pic for my grandma, hope she will get better soon.




Cute kitten is cute :happy:

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Apparently we are getting a new dog. She's a purebred Siberian Husky. Someone in my area found her and I guess her foot was run over or something. She lost two of her toes. The guy who found her took her to the vet and got her the medicine she needed. He also put ads up on Craigslist and went to some animal places around the area and even put up some flyers. I think he said its been 5 weeks and no one has contacted him. So when I woke up this morning there was dog in the house. :tongue:


Edit: The guy didn't put on the flyers or anything that she is purebred because he didn't want people lying to him. I don't think we can legally have 4 dogs WARNING RANT ABOUT NEIGHBOR

(but it is okay for the neighbor to own a freaking exotic animal "sanctuary" right next door. Sanctuary... Right. That's what its called when you breed them. The most awful noises come from there when they take the babies from the cats :( And now they have a kangaroo. Because Missouri doesn't freeze in the winter. I'm sure Australia is much warmer. The also have a spider monkey that they know will get mean but that just means she will get more cage time. Oh by the way this guy, and his wife, is like 40 something and had to move back in with his parents just two years ago or so because he couldn't pay for his house. But he kept all his animals. It smells like cat poo outside. He also has two really loud birds that I talked about a long time ago because I could hear them inside my house. He had a dog too. But he doesn't trust dogs. Last time I saw the dog was over the summer. We were clearing out brush along our property line and I saw the dog limp over to the fence. He had this really bad nasty looking wound on his leg. It was fresh looking and it wasn't shaved around it so I knew it hadn't been to the vet. But the guy just left the dog outside in the hot weather. My mom wouldn't let me call the vet because she didn't want to get into trouble with the neighbors. And that was the last time I saw the dog. I haven't specifically gone to look for it though. And I'll stop now. This was kind of rant-y)

so if the real owner does call we are giving her back.

Edited by K00L
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