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There is no New Year without headbanging.


Also, I can proudly say that this year I've been headbanging every single day.


And I will continue doing so until my head falls off.



Edited by Werne
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There is no New Year without headbanging.


Also, I can proudly say that this year I've been headbanging every single day.


And I will continue doing so until my head falls off.




Indeed Werne ! http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Zwinker/44.gif http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Musik/00000404.gif

I was nearly all year not only head banging, but nearly every day air guitar playing as well to it....:thumbsup:

(long time since I had a real guitar in my hands)

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I bought all three stalker games for under 11$ http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif and 3dmark 11 and Audiosurf Edited by Thor.
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Good morning, and goodnight to those on the other side of the pond :D


My bloody cats have gotten me up once again and I've got so much to do its driving me nuts.


It'll get done but whether or not I'll remember any of it is another matter.

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Its going to be a really white Boxing day http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif




Still i can't complain, i did ask for a white Christmas, but boxing day is taking it to far http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-whacky059.gif


Edited by Thor.
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