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I can live with that http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif

If I'd do that then people would start saying that homosexuality is a disease that makes people aggressive and intolerant to women. I'm trying to get rid of societies stereotypes, not make them even stronger. As much as it's true that the fastest way to make people better is to beat the f*** out of them, that will not fix society in the long run. Excluding Croatia, Croatia can't get better anymore.


I am the very definition of violence and I am offended. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/armscrossed.gif

E pa izvini zaboravio sam :armscrossed:


You've obviously never been to Serbia.


We are pathetic amateurs compared to them.


Thank god I have family there so I can learn from them, jebo li im kevu u guzicu s drškom od motike http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

I had a math teacher from Serbia who was a pedophile. And I am not joking even a little bit, he knew I had mental problems and he had a degree in child philosophy or psychology or whatever, and he on purpose gave me horrible grades in school so I pay for instructions later on. In the end my dad had to throw him out of the school, who knows how it would have ended up if I agreed to go to instructions.


So I'd rather not go to Serbia, with no offense to you or your family or any other good Serbian people out there, because every Serb I have met wanted to do bs.


But indeed the swearing around here is beautiful. So much more satisfying than in English. I will never let go of my croatian swearing, I love my pička mater u kurac da te jebo pas too much :happy:

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I can't punch girls.

Works the same way it works for men - extend arm fast, direct high-speed fist into receiver's face.


I fail to see the problem http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif


Oh lol english people, you and your strange words.

What's strange about English is a disturbingly low amount of swearwords being used in a conversation.


For example, the sentence "I stepped in dog crap."


In Croatian it's "A u pičku materinu, stao sam u jebeno govno od nekog glupog pseta, jebo ga vlasnik da ga jebo."

See the difference? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif


That's quite a mouthful of Croatian word's!


For all those letter's spelling out what you said in Croatian, it would seem to me in my English speaking mind you must done more than stepped in dog crap, it reads to me like you must have fallen in a truck load of dog crap. Which to an English speaking person would really be FUNNY! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif




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I can never see these pictures....they no show anymore

What the... http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/huh.gif


It worked just fine a minute ago.

When you have the picture open in another tab and embed it on a post here it will show it. But as soon as you close the tab with that picture it will disappear.

I'm guessing that the picture is loaded in a temp folder when open in a tab and the embedded one is linking it's source from there, and when you close the tab the temporary file disappears and the embedded pic can't find it's source anymore so it goes ker blam.


In short, funnyjunk is too greedy to let you embed stuff .-.


For all those letter's spelling out what you said in Croatian, it would seem to me in my English speaking mind you must done more than stepped in dog crap, it reads to me like you must have fallen in a truck load of dog crap. Which to an English speaking person would really be FUNNY! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

It's an art that not many can understand. :psyduck:

Edited by Iv000
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Croatia can't get better anymore.

Yes it can, we just need to get rid of the population http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


In the end my dad had to throw him out of the school

I would've killed him.


Slowly and painfully.


That's quite a mouthful of Croatian word's!


For all those letter's spelling out what you said in Croatian, it would seem to me in my English speaking mind you must done more than stepped in dog crap, it reads to me like you must have fallen in a truck load of dog crap. Which to an English speaking person would really be FUNNY! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

Actually, that's still nothing, just stepping in some crap.


We speak that way when something good happens too, like seeing a person you know.


For example, in English you'd say "Hey, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" when seeing someone after a long time.


In Croatian it's "Di si pičko, ima pun kurac da te nisam vidio jebote. U pičku materinu, kako si jebote, jebeš li što ili tebe jebu?"


Now imagine a whole life of conversations like the one above.


If you can, you will understand our culture.


Or lack of culture, depends on how you look at it.

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D: FTL... so...fun...

And Dragon's Dogma... I can't...stop...

Actually I can and just did. I was stabbed. With a spear. And died. Rage quit. :tongue:

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For example, in English you'd say "Hey, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" when seeing someone after a long time.


In Croatian it's "Di si pičko, ima pun kurac da te nisam vidio jebote. U pičku materinu, kako si jebote, jebeš li što ili tebe jebu?"

xD I begin every conversation like this


D: FTL... so...fun...

I knew you'd like it :teehee:

And you got DragonsDogma I wanted that thing but it's console exclusive .-. the magic in there is the most amazing one in any game ever imo. And the damn griffon and dragons and D: want

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