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You ok honey??

I ain't that lucky http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


According to a part of the contract I was forced to sign when I joined the army, I need to provide military intelligence with all cellphone/phone numbers I'm using, all my e-mail addresses, my IP address, bank account numbers, basically everything that can leave an electronic trace.


Also, they are free to tap into my phone conversations, plant spyware on my computer and monitor my bank account activities.


The problem is that they figured out I've been receiving suspiciously large amounts of money on my bank account lately.


And yeah, I do, my girlfriend closed her account a few months ago and we're sharing mine.


Besides, I've been selling some old junk I have in my garage which is nice money.


You have no idea how much would people pay for a piece of crap, a few days ago I sold an old broken carbide lamp for a 100$ http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif


Anyway, since she gets payed in cash and I deposit money from crap-selling to the account too, I sometimes bring up to 2000$ in cash to the bank.


That's a lot of money, compared to the usual 500$ I get from the army.


So now I have to go have a talk with them tomorrow and explain where that money comes from.


Then I'll have to fill out a form, present evidence of the money's origins, get sued, sue them back, get sued again, sue them back, get sued yet again, sue them back and expect to see the matter resolved in the next 2 years during which I won't receive my pay but I'll still have to work http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif


Aside from that, my bank account got blocked this morning due to all this crap so I got no money till next month and the bills won't pay themselves.


Ah well, I've been in much worse situations and I lived, guess I'll pull through this time too http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/happy.gif

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Good Grief, sounds more like the Gastapo than a military unit... oh wait they were wont they :facepalm:


Anyway you know what I mean yes. You've done nothing wrong except make a few extra quid and helped out your gf, can't see whey they would look at that as being a problem. Honestly red tape and beaurocracy what a crock.


You'll get through I'm sure honey :D

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Good Grief, sounds more like the Gastapo than a military unit... oh wait they were wont they :facepalm:

Actually, Gestapo are a bunch of kind, loving, caring people compared to Croatian military.


After all, we are responsible for 4 genocides in Europe in the past 100 years.


You'll get through I'm sure honey :D

I always do.


I survived being kicked out of the house with nothing but the clothes on me.


Compared to that, this is a piece of cake http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif

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That's bull squirt. Just imagine, there's somebody who's entire job is to f**k up peoples' lives like that. All they do is look at numbers and go, "um this guy has too much money, we should do something about it."


I hope you don't have to sue/counter sue too many times.

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Honey, it could have been worse, you could've been thrown out of the house with no clothes on :whistling: :P
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I hope you don't have to sue/counter sue too many times.

Oh, but I do.


That's how things work around here, they sue you and win, you sue them back and you win, they sue you again and win, you sue them back again and you win.


It goes like that until you get annoyed enough to let the matter go.


That's where they made a mistake, I'm a vicious, persistent little f**k and I'm not letting up till I get what I want http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/armscrossed.gif


Honey, it could have been worse, you could've been thrown out of the house with no clothes on :whistling: :P

Actually, that happened to me once.


In the middle of winter, not a very pleasant experience I must say.


But at least the police picked me up quickly, later they charged me for nudity in public.


That's the most embarrassing thing I have in my criminal record, right above urinating on a police vehicle and stealing a plastic ham http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

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Just the usual Croatian BS I see then, nothing new nothing interesting :tongue:


Ah well, you've always got our support Werne, the Nexus asylum is always here for us. :D And if you really need it, you can always come to Čakovec and beat up a few people for me. You will calm down and I will enjoy seeing them get beat up :happy:

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Nexus asylum is always here for us. :D

True that.


That's why I think Dark0ne should replace the Nexus logo with this.


And instead of a 502 errors and stuff we should have this.



you can always come to Čakovec and beat up a few people for me. You will calm down and I will enjoy seeing them get beat up :happy:

I'd gladly do it.


I take pleasure in inflicting pain on others, you know?


Their screaming amuses me http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif

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I acquired the Xmas experience and stepped out of the picture because he is so great in many peoples opinion. I got the sense that Santa Claus won the attention and praise of everyone here for a few days.




A guy who is suspiciously invisible to anyone but children getting attention from everyone who ever believed he was real. Imagine that. :tongue:


He won here in my opinion. So I honored that. *Places another imaginary plate of cookies out with another imaginary cup of hot cocoa on an imaginary warming plate so it doesn't get cold before he finds it.*


So now back to the daily grind. Without further Adieu, "I WIN!"

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