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I want my space colony, reminds me of the only anime i actually liked, gundam wing and mass effect anyonehttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif.




nearly 2hours of conference and announcements.




Edited by Thor.
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If someone wants a Dota 2 code PM me with your mail or add me on Steam or whatever, I have enough gift codes in my steam inventory for everybody who's participating in this topic so yhhhhh.



Thank you :)


To answer the question. We live on a plain, surrounded by mountains so snowfall is rare for us here. Three years ago we got some, 6 inches in just under 3 hours. The kids loved it went hurtling out to join in the snowball fight with the other kids in the road.


5 minutes (and I mean that truly) later Jack came in his leg pouring with blood and a hole through his left leg at the knee.


We thought he'd landed on glass, phoned the hospital and they said to call an ambulance. The ambulance triage said it would send out an appliance as soon as they were able (they were very busy with people busting ankles etc).


Two hours later, Jack now on his back with the leg elevated, above his heart to slow the bleeding, was looking pale and his lips had started going blue. A friend came with a 4x4 and bundled him into the back and raced off to the hospital which was literally only 10 minutes away normally.


I got a phone call from my husband saying that he had not landed on glass it was ice in the leg wound which had managed to slow the bleeding however, there was an air bubble in the leg and this needed surgery to remove and also the knee needed to be repaired. There was no tendon or muscle damage which was a miracle but he now supports a wonderful scar.


Since then we have had snow every year and the boys are learning to respect what they can't see as much as they can. The icicle was pointing upwards, a drip apparently that had frozen. Can you believe it, from a lamp post of all things. The only one in existence lol.


Honestly both boys have been hit by cars and walked away with just cuts and bruises, although they were both taken to hospital in ambulances with flashing lights the works. They have both impaled themselves on the most amazing things, Jack on an upward facing icicle and Mark on an elaborate hook on the wall in my bedroom which I used to hang my long necklaces on. It was 5 foot up the wall so as not to cause injury to my little grand children but I didn't reckon on Mark climbing onto the window ledge to pull cabling through the ceiling from the room above. He slipped and, yes you guessed it, landed on the hook.


2 Fire Engines, 2 Ambulances, the Police and the street came to witness this debacle. Mark was rushed to hospital with the hook lodged firmly in his back. He was doped up to the eyebrows on gas and air. They were treating him for a punctured lung, broken ribs etc etc. He was rushed into the Resuscitation Unit hooked up to all sorts of machines, x-rayed and low and behold, the hook had lodged between his ribs. The doctor managed to pull it out and then superglued the wound together.


Honest to goodness I couldn't believe it when he and his dad turned up at the house 2 hours after the incident and all he had to show for it was an amazing bruise and a hole in his back covered by glue and a pressure dressing...


They have 9 lives I'm convinced of it :D

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