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Other movie recommendations are appreciated, please nothing traumatizing I got enough traumuas already

Since you asked for non-traumatizing movies, how about Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Prometheus and 28 Days Later.

Oh thank you those sound lovely and totally not disturbing //absolutely not sarcasm

And isnt Prometheus just a sequel to the Aliens movies? Whats so bad about those?



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Hmmm i think i might even try a ghz overclock when i get the older drivers back on. Slower drivers. but with a overclocked it wouldn't matter much http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


in all it would be 2ghz http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

Edited by Thor.
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My CPU is overclocked to the point where I have to use an office fan to prevent it from overheating. :mellow:

I don't know how to turn it off. My dad overclocked it and he doesn't remember how to set it back to factory and I don't want to mess anything up. xD


If only those fans in the case worked...

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If you must, reset the cmos using the power supply trick. works for bad memory clocks and the like, or even uninstalling the Drivers back to factory defaults should do the trick, then re installing them from scratch. Edited by Thor.
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If you must, reset the cmos using the power supply trick. works for bad memory clocks and the like, or even uninstalling the Drivers back to factory defaults should do the trick, then re installing them from scratch.


I have no idea what that means, but with the power of Google I shall find out! :thumbsup:


...After I go to bed and sleep, get up for school, run errands, and play Dragonborn. Not necessarily in that order (except sleep. That definitely comes first).


Thanks. I have to wear a jacket because the cold air from the fan is still hitting me. x_x

But maybe that won't be an issue soon! =D

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