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I think you should be able to select your character's sexual orientation during character creation in any game, perhaps expanding gender selection. Many people's characters are in some way an extension of their real personality; in my case they're often no relation to my real self, embodying my enjoyment of using video games to explore new posssbilities of every kind, but for most people, there's some direct connection between that character, and the player's real self. Considering gay people are very much real and are every bit as likely to play games as straight people, I don't see any possible excuse for not allowing a player to be gay in a video game, if straight people can make straight characters.

What's up with people noticing my existence today and even agreeing with me? It's nice, like it's my birthday but actually someone caring.


I was playing different types of characters when I was younger too. I liked playing evil ones, generally evil looking with an evil mindset, tried different varieties etc etc.

Then I changed dramatically in the past few years since discovering my sexuality and generally developing a proper brain for morality and such life stuff. Since then I always connected to my characters more than I ever did. I didn't just play as my character, I was my character. Same morale as me, doing the things I loved the most and I generally stopped exploring other paths and just stayed on this one, like you said playing one's real self.


Back then I would have had no problem with saying I'm fine with being forced to play a straight sexuality, but now it feels wrong if I do play as that. So yes I agree wholeheartedly with you, choosing ones sexuality should be in a characters personality in games. I appreciate your way of thinking very much, thank you.


Let me guess Ivoo, that mouse is a Razer Naga of some variety? ordered one for myself today, they're beautiful. The logitech G-9 series has been extremelly good to me, but my second G-9 is now becoming quite old and with me having switched from mainly FPS to mainly MMOs/RPGs the Naga is just a superior option; it's not as precise or nicely weighted, but it's silky smooth, looks superb, and is extremely comfortable, even for a One-Point-Nine metre tall man-grizzly like me.

I was planing on getting the Razer Naga one but sadly it's a tad too expensive here where I live and since I don't have a steady income of money I didn't want to spend too much on a mouse.

I got a green Sharkoon Drakonia, this one:






It fits perfectly in my man-grizzly hands like you said (The average office mice don't do it for me, they're too small), great grip, 11 buttons all customizable to whatever I want even macros, and the symbol can have over 25 different colours and has customizable lighting strength and pulsating speeds. And also it has customizable weigths at the end which is perfect.

It's also why I compared it to a dragon, the scales are great aesthetically though it has no rough texture which is really the only minus, that the scales part is too glossy.

Otherwise this is epic.



With a number of games now you can choose to be homosexual or heterosexual. What we need to realise though is that the majority of people are the latter or maybe, some cases, bisexual.


The games companies can't cater for everything and neither should we expect them too or the games would never be released.


I love the Witcher series for what it is. We know that Witchers have large appetites like Wardens in Dragon Age, and those appetites cover many things. You can choose to ignore the references or not depending upon how you want to play the games, but you can't expect everyone to play like eunuchs lol.


In Dragon Age we were spoilt with the choices given in DAO, this was curtailed in DAA and in DA2 we had a complete tone down of DAO. Hopefully this will not happen in DA3 but who knows.


I enjoyed making choices and having those choices reflect how people looked and treated me and I would love to see that expanded upon in both the DA series and the last Witcher game. Either way, sexual orientation, or lack of it, shouldn't be the be all and end all of the game. For me its about the story and the choices we make. I can never be evil, well not for long anyway, I end up feeling so guilty :D


But hey what do I know, I've been married for 30 years and have 6 wonderful children. I'm older than dirt and am basically very reserved, although a lot nutty :)


Oh I have a Sharkoon too but a Fireline I think its called :)

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