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With a number of games now you can choose to be homosexual or heterosexual. What we need to realise though is that the majority of people are the latter or maybe, some cases, bisexual.


The games companies can't cater for everything and neither should we expect them too or the games would never be released.


I love the Witcher series for what it is. We know that Witchers have large appetites like Wardens in Dragon Age, and those appetites cover many things. You can choose to ignore the references or not depending upon how you want to play the games, but you can't expect everyone to play like eunuchs lol.


In Dragon Age we were spoilt with the choices given in DAO, this was curtailed in DAA and in DA2 we had a complete tone down of DAO. Hopefully this will not happen in DA3 but who knows.


I enjoyed making choices and having those choices reflect how people looked and treated me and I would love to see that expanded upon in both the DA series and the last Witcher game. Either way, sexual orientation, or lack of it, shouldn't be the be all and end all of the game. For me its about the story and the choices we make. I can never be evil, well not for long anyway, I end up feeling so guilty :D


But hey what do I know, I've been married for 30 years and have 6 wonderful children. I'm older than dirt and am basically very reserved, although a lot nutty :)


Oh I have a Sharkoon too but a Fireline I think its called :)

Of course I'm not saying "I need that". I'm just saying it would be nice if people did it more like the Sims where everybody is bi or ME3 or Skyrim.

I don't expect everybody to suddenly start adding same sex choices in games (even though I have a feeling it will happen more and more, and I'd be thankful for that). I CAN play as a straight person if forced to or woman or whatever, it's just strange that a huge game about choice where you can have different everything and even a whole different chapter if you make one different choice like the Witcher doesn't have a choice about sexuality. Juuuust saying.


And I think it's Fireglider, is it this one?






Too small :P

Also almost the same price as the Drakonia, and no epic glowy symbol. Epic glowy symbol is a must.


And good morning.

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My god I lost faith in all teenagers over here that drink alcohol regularly.

A girl from a town nearby has been found, alive ofc, with over 4‰ of alcohol in her blood. News said this hasn't happened before in that area for over 10 years...


15 years old :facepalm:

Whyyyyyy are you this stupid people? Why?



Ignore the above thing, happy stuff:


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My god I lost faith in all teenagers over here that drink alcohol regularly.

A girl from a town nearby has been found, alive ofc, with over 4‰ of alcohol in her blood. News said this hasn't happened before in that area for over 10 years

In that area, in Zadar it's normal to see drunk teenagers, it's just a way of life around here. :biggrin:


I have over 2‰ of alcohol in my blood every day, makes me suppress things I don't want to remember.


My goal is to completely replace my blood with alcohol, so far so good. :thumbsup:


But according to doctors, I'll have to replace some organs too in order to reach that goal, like liver and kidneys.


Thank god they have spare parts for me. :laugh:

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They ARE drunk here too extremely often and that way of life is a bit overboard for a 15 year old.

Not just drunk but high as well.


They're teenagers ffs what are they doing with their damn lives. Where are the days where you went out to play ball or go out and have ACTUAL FUN or just stay inside and chat or do MP gaming at least.The problem is that they learned from others that that's a good thing to do. Monkey see monkey do, one starts smoking, all start smoking. One starts going out to get drunk, all start going out to get drunk. They have no idea how to have real fun anymore and then we will wonder why we have a country full of motherf*#@ing idiots. Well I won't tell others how to live their lives, I don't care. Pathetic to say the least, from my point of view.





Can anyone recommend a keyboard?

Low profile keys, illuminated lights, good for gaming AND programming and has additional multimedia keys?


My current one (revoltec) is perfect but the illumination is dying and the keyboard itself is dying too. Besides it doesn't fit with my mouse :teehee: I don't think I can get back to high profile, it's far easier to type quickly on a low profile one. Anyway if someone has recommendations I'd appreciate it a lot.

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Of course I'm not saying "I need that". I'm just saying it would be nice if people did it more like the Sims where everybody is bi or ME3 or Skyrim.

I don't expect everybody to suddenly start adding same sex choices in games (even though I have a feeling it will happen more and more, and I'd be thankful for that). I CAN play as a straight person if forced to or woman or whatever, it's just strange that a huge game about choice where you can have different everything and even a whole different chapter if you make one different choice like the Witcher doesn't have a choice about sexuality. Juuuust saying.


And I think it's Fireglider, is it this one?






Too small :P

Also almost the same price as the Drakonia, and no epic glowy symbol. Epic glowy symbol is a must.


And good morning.


Yes that's the one, I will be getting another one as a backup as I love them they are really easy to use. I have small hands so it fits me perfectly.


I didn't mean it as a rebuke honey, The Witcher is meant to be a "Woman's Man" from what I believe. I've never read the books as I've yet to find an English translation. You can get them in a myriad of other "eastern block" languages and German if I remember rightly.


In Witcher 1 you had to complete certain conquests and collect cards to gain the achievement. In Witcher 2 you don't have to do this and there is a number of sexual exploits that you can part-take in if you so wish. Goes to the ratings of the games to be honest, its not just about the violence I would imagine, although for me its mild violence compared to some games out there.


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I wouldn't have expected same sex in the first two games from what I've been told, but hey anything may happen in the 3rd and final one.


Dragon Age was different you had the option from day one and with certain characters only for same sex relationships. Mods came along to change that eventually and thank goodness for modders :D


On your 2nd subject... Binge drinking is a problem over here also. Usually at weekends and I think its very sad. My girls are normally well-behaved when it comes to drinking. I've always allowed my children to drink from an early age ie 4 or 5, with very weak lager shandies on special occasions eg Christmas or wine watered down with lemonade.


As a result they rarely get drunk and after having the obligatory hangovers on their 18th and 21st birthday's rarely have them at all now.


Me, all it takes is the sniff of a wine cork and I become a tree hugger, walk around shoeless and talk to trees, bushes or the occasional lamp-post depending on what jumps out to grab me :D :D

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Not just drunk but high as well.

That brings back memories. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif




And now let's go to happier things, like the fact that I finished my sunglasses, here's a pic:



Enabled environmental mapping, applied a cubemap and an environmental mask, turned out much better than I expected. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


Bloody awesome. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/cool.gif

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Yes that's the one, I will be getting another one as a backup as I love them they are really easy to use. I have small hands so it fits me perfectly.


I didn't mean it as a rebuke honey, The Witcher is meant to be a "Woman's Man" from what I believe. I've never read the books as I've yet to find an English translation. You can get them in a myriad of other "eastern block" languages and German if I remember rightly.


In Witcher 1 you had to complete certain conquests and collect cards to gain the achievement. In Witcher 2 you don't have to do this and there is a number of sexual exploits that you can part-take in if you so wish. Goes to the ratings of the games to be honest, its not just about the violence I would imagine, although for me its mild violence compared to some games out there.


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I wouldn't have expected same sex in the first two games from what I've been told, but hey anything may happen in the 3rd and final one.


Dragon Age was different you had the option from day one and with certain characters only for same sex relationships. Mods came along to change that eventually and thank goodness for modders :D


On your 2nd subject... Binge drinking is a problem over here also. Usually at weekends and I think its very sad. My girls are normally well-behaved when it comes to drinking. I've always allowed my children to drink from an early age ie 4 or 5, with very weak lager shandies on special occasions eg Christmas or wine watered down with lemonade.


As a result they rarely get drunk and after having the obligatory hangovers on their 18th and 21st birthday's rarely have them at all now.


Me, all it takes is the sniff of a wine cork and I become a tree hugger, walk around shoeless and talk to trees, bushes or the occasional lamp-post depending on what jumps out to grab me :D :D


Yes I forgot the Witcher series is originally a book series.

I'm downloading Witcher 1 from GOG atm and I'll play it soon, just to see what it is like. I'm sure I'll hate parts of it, but oh well, that's me.

Geralt is intended to be how he is in the books already so I guess changing that in the games would be a bad idea.


Drinking topic, my dad always let me drink and I never went overboard with it. Well, only recently but that was new years and it was more of willing experimentation rather than getting mindlessly drunk.

Here's hoping that I'll be with my boyfriend on my 18'th birthday in the US, with lots of wine :P


Not just drunk but high as well.

That brings back memories. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif

I hope at least it was worth it.

I hate the fact that people use stuff from the outside that messes with your brain and affects your behavior and mental state.

bleh just no. I hate even taking pills against headache.


I'm a new breed of hipster apparently :confused:

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