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Thor., on 15 Feb 2013 - 20:34, said:

use your elbow, to keep paper in place :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:

Unfortunately, I can't, my left arm is in bandages with something that looks like an antenna sticking out of it. I can't even move it and it hurts like hell. :(


Ah well, that's what I get for driving with an a**hole that doesn't know how to drive a motorbike, we crashed this morning and I got screwed. Skinned my left arm from the knuckles all the way up to my shoulder and now I have three torn muscles, a ruptured tendon in my upper arm (just above the elbow), a broken arm and a dislodged shoulder. Not to mention that I'm bruised all over and can barely breath. But at least I'll have another wicked scar after the wound heals. :thumbsup:


I also tore my jacket, my second favourite leather jacket. And I won't be able to drive my bike for at least two months. Since I'm not badly injured I'll be back on the bike, which I can't say for my friend who broke his left leg, sliced his femural artery a bit and severed some nerves, barely survived. Thank god he wasn't driving my bike or I'd make sure he doesn't survive.


But the worse thing is, my girlfriend is panicking about this all day. Even now I can feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of my head while thinking how I'll just keel over and die. I know it was a nasty fall and that I could've died easily but I'm fine. :rolleyes:


Well, I'm fine as long as the painkillers work, that is. ;D

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I feel sorry for that lonely Bing user, no googlers to keep him or her company :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: ooh look he brought a friend how nice :teehee: :teehee: i know autographs later, thanks for watching though :blink: :blink: :blink:


I feel naked without my kudos, hmm strange wonders what happened to them :confused:

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