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I'm not speaking of any big businesses advances unless I like them and they give me a commission under contract so I can afford a new game room for all of us to gather and compete on a LAN once a month. :woot:


Wouldn't that be nice?! :wub:


Yeah! :ninja: Pay up you big game console pushers and dealer's! :yes: Or start feeling the sinking sensation of quicksand sucking the Dot Com businesses back into Oblivion! :yucky:


Muaawah ah ha haa haaaa! :devil: :rolleyes:


I WIN! :geek:

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Night everyone, as my body aches and i shell sleep under the influence of pain killers, mainly one kind advil :blink:

I'm a gonna have to play arkhem city first then asylum second, because of itd size and epicness. not to mention i decided to download it first :blink: huge it is,

Edited by Thor.
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Just came off a crazy 4-hour gaming bender. Alright I admit it, 4 hours, Im a lightweight, ha ha. Played through the second half of Metal Gear Rising, loved it. I admit I speak having never played an MG game before, but hell, I think I'm gonna pre-order Ground Zero tommorow; 'cause that was a LOT of fun.

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