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Thor., on 04 Mar 2013 - 00:29, said:

Windows 7, where everything just works. :thumbsup:

Let me just leave this over here:


Iv000, on 04 Mar 2013 - 01:29, said:

Yeah, I heard they glue the batteries to their Mac laptops so you can't exchange them. Then advertise it as "built in battery".

And my iPod has no screws either. So basically no way to change the battery if something happens or change the screen too.

For those laptops, you open it up with a scalpel and replace the cells only, not the whole battery.


iPods, just pop the plastic with a knife, if they glued it good you can use a nailfile or a small chisel.


Trust me, I'm an electromechanical engineer. :biggrin:

Edited by Werne
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And I will round up these 70 Googlers into a mob with torches and pitcforks. Then I will make them hunt you down and retrieve my win. :devil:

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For those laptops, you open it up with a scalpel and replace the cells only, not the whole battery.


iPods, just pop the plastic with a knife, if they glued it good you can use a nailfile or a small chisel.


Trust me, I'm an electromechanical engineer. :biggrin:


Hmm, I get the laptop part and it seems like an experienced engineer could do that, definitely not something for me though my fine motor skills aren't functioning properly.


And the iPod thing might not work with the iTouch version.







It's rounded and there are no seams besides the almost non existing one, where the screen front touches the metal backing. Which I also think may be glued together as well.

Either way, Apple are greedy assholes. Why would you not allow people to use your OS UNLESS you got THEIR overpriced hardware. Then they advertise it like their iStuff is the elite and that you suddenly become a better person by using it.



And another topic now, why the hell is there a new Assassin's Creed announced while the 3rd one just got out a while ago.

The series has just become the new CoD apparently :confused:

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