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The last poster wins


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i have a cup, but its not full. I sip the cup, but nothings inside the cup. So i buried the cup, now i am sad.

Edited by Thor.
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I don't think Im going to go back to Guild Wars after today. Someone in my former guild took a disliking to me and had about 20 of his guildmates report for for gold selling. As a result I was almost instantly banned from the game. A following appeal saw me unbanned, but nothing was done about the players responsible who have continued to harrass me, and I didn't even get an apology from the developers for being falsley llocked out of my account. The game's gotten so monotonous lately and the community has gotten so WoW-like, that not even the most polarised of rose-tinted fanboy glasses can protect from the harsh light of reality; this game wouldn't even be alive anymore if it wasn't F2P.

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I haven't played it much lately. It seemed pretty empty, and the people I did meet were not the nicest ones. Love the game to death, but its awfully boring alone. And I can't do dungeons (of which I have about, ohhhhh, four or five to do still... I only did the first one) without people. I'll probably return to it sometime, but I'm not in much of a Guild Wars kind of mood. I've been playing Dead Space 3 actually.

Edited by K00L
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Do you guys know what love is?


If not, Admiral Ackbar has a very accurate definition of love for you:


Edited by Werne
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Love is a trap, so is dirt. best to avoid dirt at all costs, even the air is out to get you.

Edited by Thor.
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