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well, a car could hit it so... yeah it could end pretty badly :confused:.



You guys just reminded me of Far Cry 3 and how shitty I felt when I had to skin a tiger.


I can't kill the cute felines, I'd rather let them eat me ;-; one human life here there, doesn't matter as long as the tiger lives

I set the tigers free. :D EAT THE PIRATES!!!

But yeah I didn't like having to skin tigers... t-t


I don't mind a nuclear exchange, or the aftermath. I'm a damn good sniper, I got combat experience and a massive underground bunker in my backyard that got left over from WWII so I'd survive it all, even the blast. :biggrin:


It's just that I'm afraid US might attack them pre-emptively (not good but according to history, likely) and then drag NATO into it, then I'd be forced to ship out to Korea. :down: I really don't want to go fight there, Afghan was enough for me.


Too bad no one around here wants to start a war, I want something closer to home. :(

I want a bunker in my backyard! :D

There's an old missle silo somewhere in my town. Might help a bit. :P


Our government is slightly retarded at times. I really hope we don't decide to do anything first either, I mean it would be bad if they do decide to launch missles, but if we do something first and they weren't actually going to do anything...

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