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@Iv000 True that. :thumbsup:


Tested the script in Python 2.6.6 on Windows 7, works perfectly. It's kinda hard to use in that command prompt window though, it won't maximize and the font is damn big.


Also tested in Linux, Python 2.7.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64, works perfectly. It's also easier to use since the font is smaller, looks much better too.


Pic of it running in Terminal:



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I'm not sure if I should experiment with stuff now or after I learn PHP and JavaScript better.


I never really did put my knowledge to practical use, I want to make a portfolio-likw website for myself but I'm not sure if I want to start before I know it will end up at least somewhere near how I want it to look like.

And I'm a perfectionist, a really really detail obsessed one :/

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I'm not sure if I should experiment with stuff now or after I learn PHP and JavaScript better.


I never really did put my knowledge to practical use, I want to make a portfolio-likw website for myself but I'm not sure if I want to start before I know it will end up at least somewhere near how I want it to look like.

And I'm a perfectionist, a really really detail obsessed one :/

Well, you can make it as good as possible and then proceed to make changes when able to (or when you learn how to). Just like Dark0ne and the Nexus, make something and then change it 6 months later when you figure out what you like and what you don't. :thumbsup:

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I've been thinking about that, and I've been intrigued to do so.

I probably will after I learn a few more things and practice.


Anyway, why am I more disturbed by a random naked guy's dick than I am by a monkey eating away a girl's throat and then she puking blood and twitching?

I never did like sudden unexpected nudity for some reason. I think it has to do with a prank that a few guys made on me, they linked me to a site with sudden gay sex and I remember I was disturbed a lot after it :/

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Anyway, why am I more disturbed by a random naked guy's dick than I am by a monkey eating away a girl's throat and then she puking blood and twitching?

Maybe because he has a bigger one? I know I'd be disturbed by that, size matters to me. :ohdear:


Or maybe because he has a tiny one? Though that's more amusing than disturbing. :biggrin:


a prank that a few guys made on me, they linked me to a site with sudden gay sex and I remember I was disturbed a lot after it

You are easily disturbed by surprise gay sex, curious, very curious indeed.


I can't imagine how disturbed you'd be by surprise butt sex. ;D I just couldn't resist. :teehee:


Anyhow, I know what a trauma is, I have quite a few of them. I still don't know how to deal with them though.


Like the one time when my friend gave me a lit firecracker wrapped in paper. It was Zenga, tore the skin off my palm and I still can't feel a thing with 2 fingers on my left hand. Now when I see a firecracker I start sweating and my brain freezes. And yet I have no problem with hand grenades.


Or the time I impaled myself on a fence, I was stuck for an hour on a 3m high fence with a third of it's hight sticking out my back. Now I don't have a fence around my house, I don't climb over fences and I can barely stand walking past one.


It's messed up, I hate traumas and I hate my brain.

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