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The last poster wins


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-Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kindergarten Cop


Same goes for this thread, there is no topic. ;D

Edited by Werne
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WOW!!! that was awesome, now there's a troll every time I close my eyes.

Edited by gaminggriffin
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I want to be a pretzel. :mellow: And I think I'm gonna go and make myself some coffee, my brain doesn't function correctly.




BTW, I just figured something out, Linux is perfect for browsing unsafe sites. :thumbsup:


Windows viruses can't do squat and Linux viruses are quite rare, even if you find one there's a 1% possibility of that virus actually affecting your PC (you need to run it as an admin in order for it to affect a Linux OS, plus there are 100+ Linux distributions, each different).

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