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You are strange :wink:

I'm not strange, I'm unique. :happy:


Huh, and maybe I'm the only one normal and everyone else is strange. :huh:

Edited by Werne
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One of my wallpapers provides an accurate description of the state my mind is in:




This used to be my wallpaper until a few days ago. I miss it so I think I'm gonna use it again for a while. :smile:

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Surprisingly artistic, something that I'd use too. Didn't expect that from you to be honest, nice though =)


Im not gonna lie, I like rainbow-coloured stuff :P Not the gay rainbow stuff, but just colours. I like colours.

I need a new wallpaper now.

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Soooooo I'm reading through statistics about gay things in Croatia.


Guess what.


42% think that I'm mentally sick. (Yes I am, but not because I like guys. More because everybody is retarded and its clashing against my mind so hard it makes me mentally ill.)

50% think that I'm not allowed to have kids.

75% say they'd be disappointed if they found out their child was gay.

80% (Seriously, 80. What the f*#@.) say that they would try explain to their child that gayness is not normal.


I'll just go cry in a corner now, the more I know about where I live the shittier I feel. Why am I even reading this bs.




You guys love me though dont you? ;-;


dont u


;-; i wanna hug


I'll go to sleep too, enough depressive things for today.

Night all, have a nice day :)

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