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Well i had an odd yet awesome game death experience lol, it was at the beginning of the game in ultimate mode, the ai 2 in that mode really upped their game.. During the fight with boom boom i successfully destroyed him with several grenades, after the job was done i had to shoot claptrap with the canon, so i did as usual, after i figured it was clear sailing from here on, sense that usually is the easiest part of the game. It turned out not to be so easy this time around and couldn't keep up with the hordes of bandits charging straight at the canon while dodging my shots. After a few attempts i gave up dismounted the canon and started fight them on the ground as they keep coming, i ran out of grenades and started using some Etech smg's the conference call and several lower level gold weapons. they can be effective depending on the npc immunity, i died 5 minutes later.

That is how good the ai is in borderlands, they actually dodge you at times.

They usually ovr level you by 2 levels, i was lv52 and some where level 53 to 54.

the level scaling is the best of its kind in borderlands 2 :thumbsup:


seraph grenade are insane

Edited by Thor.
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lol Ironman ;D


I need it today !!!


^This. :yes:

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Also, by child partitition you mean virtual stuff right? I never heard that term often and searching it up just said that it has to do with virtual partitions and some windows virtual boot thing I dont even know im tired.

I mean creating partitions inside a partition. Before I Installed Ubuntu, my partition table looked like so:


- /dev/sda1 - 160GB, NTFS, Windows 7, boot

- /dev/sda2 - 138GB, NTFS


After I installed Ubuntu:


- /dev/sda1 - 160GB, NTFS, Windows 7, boot

- /dev/sda2 - 138GB, old NTFS, parent

- /dev/sda3 -56GB, NTFS, child

- /dev/sda4 - 50GB, ext4, Ubuntu Precise, child

- /dev/sda5 - 30GB, ext4, Ubuntu Home folder, child

- /dev/sda6 - 2GB, Linux Swap, child


Then I got a big problem, when I decided to replace Win7 with Mint, I also decided to remove the other NTFS partition. However, to do so I also needed to dismount /dev/sda2 which meant I also needed to dismount Linux Swap and any partition with a higher number than /dev/sda2 (meaning I had to dismound all child partitions) which in turn meant I couldn't do it from Ubuntu directly. :facepalm:


So I booted into Mint Live, dismounted Swap, removed /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda2 (sda2 was useless anyway, or so I thought) and expanded /dev/sda3 onto the empty space with Gparted. However, that rendered all other partitions except /dev/sda1 unusable due to missing parent, couldn't get Ubuntu or Swap to work, not even with Boot-Repair disk and remounting. :( So I just removed them and partitioned my hard drive like this:


- /dev/sda1 - 160GB, ext4, Linux Mint 13, boot

- /dev/sda2 - 2GB, Linux Swap

- /dev/sda3 - 136GB, ext4, Ubuntu Precise


Booted into Mint, changed Swap UUID to the current one in fstab, then executed sudo update-grub and everything started working right again. :dance:


It was a freakin nightmare to fix all this crap but it worked out alright in the end, thank god Linux is resistant to changes in the partitioning table, all I needed to do was remount Swap on Mint and Update OS list in GRUB. And that's why I hate the guy who made Ubuntu's installer, took me all day to repartition this thing just because someone was lazy and didn't do his job right. :dry:

Edited by Werne
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