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Oh my god f*** this s*** I quit.


Ubuntu doesnt boot properly 80% of the time, Mint has the same problems like Ubuntu with freezing and the AMD64 Microcode error, and f***ing Fedora wont even let me Sign In. The button is grayed out and I can only click the god damn "Not listed" button, which leads me to a username screen where nothing works.


I'm done with Linux for now.


And Werne whats wrong? Regular checkup or did you break yourself again?

First, you can login through the terminal interface (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and then start the GUI with Ctrl+Alt+F1/F7 (depends) or sudo startx. By the way, Fedora is a piece of junk, it's a free fork of RedHat (a 4500$ per year subscription, "Open Source" Linux OS) and it has the same problems like RedHat that get fixed even slower since it's less maintained. It's the same thing, just free.


It can also give you some headaches since it deploys an online package repository system similar to Debian's which operates entirely different (YUM). And it's one of the most insecure Linux distros I've seen so far, dissected with Kali in 2 minutes.


Second, I'm getting an X-ray of my jaw and ribcage. I've had breathing problems lately so a few ribs I broke years ago need to be broken again and put in the right place this time. And the jaw because my dentist wants to rip out my tooth, broke it in a fight a few days ago. Damn, I should really fight less.

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Oh my god f*** this s*** I quit.


Ubuntu doesnt boot properly 80% of the time, Mint has the same problems like Ubuntu with freezing and the AMD64 Microcode error, and f***ing Fedora wont even let me Sign In. The button is grayed out and I can only click the god damn "Not listed" button, which leads me to a username screen where nothing works.


I'm done with Linux for now.


And Werne whats wrong? Regular checkup or did you break yourself again?

First, you can login through the terminal interface (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and then start the GUI with Ctrl+Alt+F1/F7 (depends) or sudo startx. By the way, Fedora is a piece of junk, it's a free fork of RedHat (a 4500$ per year subscription, "Open Source" Linux OS) and it has the same problems like RedHat that get fixed even slower since it's less maintained. It's the same thing, just free.


It can also give you some headaches since it deploys an online package repository system similar to Debian's which operates entirely different (YUM). And it's one of the most insecure Linux distros I've seen so far, dissected with Kali in 2 minutes.


Second, I'm getting an X-ray of my jaw and ribcage. I've had breathing problems lately so a few ribs I broke years ago need to be broken again and put in the right place this time. And the jaw because my dentist wants to rip out my tooth, broke it in a fight a few days ago. Damn, I should really fight less.


I'll just stay with Ubuntu and/or Mint then. After i find out what I'm doing wrong or they fix the problems with them.


I hope you'll be fine btw, try take more care maybe?



More cats





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Psshh linux is overrated

Oh? Over 32% of the world's Internet servers runs on Linux, another 32% on UNIX (Linux's father). Over 93% of the world's supercomputers runs on Linux, another 4% on UNIX. Over 37% of smartphones runs on Linux (Android).


The desktop PC market share sucks though, it's a bit over 1% due to being a bit complicated. I don't get people, 15 years ago they were perfectly happy with a command-line interface but now they are shocked and amazed when they see someone using a command terminal. :blink:


Anyway, you may think Linux is overrated but without UNIX/Linux, you wouldn't be able to come here and say it's overrated. :P


I'll just stay with Ubuntu and/or Mint then. After i find out what I'm doing wrong or they fix the problems with them.


I hope you'll be fine btw, try take more care maybe?

Have you tried Debian? It's updated less frequently and requires more knowledge than Ubuntu-based distros but it tends to be much more stable. Also, you mentioned you have problems with AMD64 microcode, have you tried reinstalling/updating that package or installing an older one?


And I'm trying to take care of myself, it doesn't work though. That sucks but I can't help it, I'm doomed to an eternity of being phisically hurt. :(




Speaking of not working, anyone else having problems with the messenger? I've got 5 PMs I need to respond to but every time I try to send, I end up with some "mysql" or "msql", some error message that ends with "sql". It's been like that all day long. :wallbash:


And since I saw a bunch of cat pics, I thought I should post one too:


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Have you tried Debian? It's updated less frequently and requires more knowledge than Ubuntu-based distros but it tends to be much more stable. Also, you mentioned you have problems with AMD64 microcode, have you tried reinstalling/updating that package or installing an older one?


And I'm trying to take care of myself, it doesn't work though. That sucks but I can't help it, I'm doomed to an eternity of being phisically hurt. :(


I havent tried Debian yet no, I'll try it tomorrow then.

And yes the microcode error just needs new drivers I think. I searched around for a while and was lead to this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/a/amd64-microcode/ I'll dl that next time I try Ubuntu/Mint and see if it fixes things.


Tell your girlfriend to hold your hand more often so you dont wander away and get hurt again :P :)


And the messanger works fine, just tried it out. Try a hard refresh, Ctrl + F5.

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yes but for gaming its subpar

Well, that all depends. I find games that are made for both Windows and Linux (like Serious Sam series) running much better in Linux. LXDE and XFCE Linux shells make games lightning fast compared to Win7's shell. :thumbsup:


However, if a game is made only for Windows then you have to fiddle with an emulator. That is complicated but with a proper know-how, a lot of native Windows games can be run in Linux and will perform equally, maybe even better but that depends on the shell.


I havent tried Debian yet no, I'll try it tomorrow then.

And yes the microcode error just needs new drivers I think. I searched around for a while and was lead to this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/a/amd64-microcode/ I'll dl that next time I try Ubuntu/Mint and see if it fixes things.


Tell your girlfriend to hold your hand more often so you dont wander away and get hurt again :P :smile:


And the messanger works fine, just tried it out. Try a hard refresh, Ctrl + F5.

AMD64 microcode is a package required for AMD processors, you can get it off the software repository with apt or Software Center/Manager/something.


And I can't tell my girlfriend to hold my hand more often, she already does it way too much. The mushy part of a relationship, it's something we men aren't designed for. :pinch:


And I just figured out why the messenger doesn't work. I went to try the hard refresh but I accidentaly went to "Your Messenger" instead of clicking the message and responding. I overdid it, 100% quota, my guess is that I need to clean it up to send stuff, never had problems with that in the old layout.


I'm too tired to do it now though, I'll take a shot at it in the morning. Good night guys.

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AMD64 microcode is a package required for AMD processors, you can get it off the software repository with apt or Software Center/Manager/something.


You'd think they'd already install the things that the processor needs but noooooooo.

Another thing Windows does better :P



And I can't tell my girlfriend to hold my hand more often, she already does it way too much. The mushy part of a relationship, it's something we men aren't designed for. :pinch:



Lol speak for yourself, I like it mushy :teehee: but then again I'm mushy at heart so I'm an exception :P


Mushy mushy mushy mushy mushy :happy: nice word



And goodnight, I'll go as well.

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