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If you run this in a Linux terminal


:(){ :|: & };: 


You do a DoS attack on that machine. It copies and multiplies the shell, taking up CPU cycles and memory, until the computer freezes.


Pretty neat for just a few symbols ^^


This one is better:


sudo rm -rf /*

I tried it on a half-dead Ubuntu installation, it was hilarious when it started wiping itself clean and things started dying. First the X-window blew a gasket and crashed, then tty started dying in painful agony and in the end it experienced a kernel panic before the kernel got removed too and all that was left afterwards was a blinking white dot on a black screen. ;D

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You know what's interesting? For months I keep forgetting to buy empty DVDs but now that I bought them, I can't for the life of me remember for what did I need them. :mellow:

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I remembered why I needed the DVDs, for backups.


And I love K3b, that thing is the best CD/DVD burning program I've ever used. Simple to use, has a nice and useful GUI and it's very effective. :thumbsup:

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