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Lol amateurs :whistling: nearly 3 years without a crash or bsod, Fully updated windows... Its all in the matter where to look and how to protect your pc from viruses and spyware.


two things


I'm using a online armor firewall, thats the name, highly effective against keyloggers and so on


lavasofts antivirus and malware remover combo.




I have grown up with computers, I know where to look and how to protect my pc.

Its just that Windows 7 does s#*! to your computer if you edit some key system files by yourself and then update the OS.


I edited my theme in the shell32.dll and the explorer.exe and a few other things. Edited the boot screen and played around with registry values to tweak startup/shutdown times, and other tweaks.


Then I updated and it broke my boot screen and my theme was f*#@ed, last time I did the same thing it wouldn't even boot and I had to do a clean reinstall.

And I know what I'm doing, trust me on that.


Viruses have nothing to do with that. I have Avast, Win firewall, Win Defender (Anti mallware/spyware), 3 security extensions for my web browser and Hiren's Boot CD in case things go wrong.

I follow the latest exploits and know what's going on atm.


It's pretty safe to say that viruses didn't cause Windows Updater to break itself.

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There's your problem, never use themes, unless you back up everything you use, like a windows backup iso just in case. Some antiviruses have that feature just in case something goes wrong. Windows doesn't like to be messed around with when it comes to visual themes.


especially the registry


unless you use some of Stardocks applications its very sensitive.



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aeigčhaeae I just said I grew up with computers, I know what Windows doesnt or does like ._.

I'll mess around with Windows until it will f*#@ing beg me to stop. And then I'll kill it and make a new installation to torture it again.


I'm a tech satanist, live with it.




and goodnight

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WWOOOAAHAHHH! must have that in a game, its going to be made i bet


ray tracing fro games.



but instead of ray tracing its path tracing, a little more video game friendly yet just as epic as ray tracing

Finally will be using some form of tracing in general. its about time.


path tracing is just as epic, because they can render infinite amounts of building and people in a single scene.


ray tracing is how some movies are made.


Sooner then later you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from real and video games.


also makes me wonder why Sony switched to amd fro?? maybe ray tracing to, sense it can run on very loow hardware specs ???



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RIP my computer....

Stupid piece of s#*!. :/


Edit: posting from my phone. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for... Idk a long time.

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nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo!!!! text on phone...


lol don't give up on computers just yet, there's still hope.


my setup is equal to a gtx690 :teehee:

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