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I hate this country! :mad:


A month of waiting for my ID (I broke the old one) and now that I got it, they screwed it up so I have to wait another month.


U pičku mile matere, poserem se na ovu državu, nabijem na kurac sve državne službe i one što tamo rade. Mater im jebem svima, misec dana i dobijem kurac umisto osobne, jebem ti i vladu i državu i sranje u kojem jesmo. GOVNA!!! :verymad: [/rant]


Ok, that would be enough.

Edited by Werne
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I'm still waiting to get mine. Oh the fun!

Mine was rather interesting, my name, birth date and address was on it but everything else was from some other guy's ID. And his ID had his name, birth date and address on it but everything else on it was from my ID. :mellow:

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Last auto saved: 4:45:01 AM
Edited by gaminggriffin
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