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Woot resurrected my Gamecube, thanks to a friend of mine who has a cleaning kit for older consoles and stuff. Works now..


Its always nice know someone whose willing to repair a gc for free :biggrin: . Its like a hobby for him :thumbsup:


i might sell it because i already one a wii, but hey still cool its fixed.


needed a good cleaning from the inside out to, very dusty inside, it was amazing it was working all then.

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lol pretty much from the dead, i wonder he wants my gc, he, he, anyways its working like i just bought it yesterday.


He's a handy person to have around.


he's that kind of person who would fix pretty much anything that's computer based, like the gc.


yay free tech support, of course i could build my own pc though, still nice to have though.


lol he'e probably bragging look i can repair something you can't lol.

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So your friend brought you GC back from the dead? Make sure it doesn't go

around tossing people into wells and causing villagers to burn down windmills.


It happened when I resurrected my laptop.


Huzzah for frankenstein reference.


But back to the topic at hand, I win

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