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You know how to fill your hard drive with junk on Linux? Open the thumbnail cache folder with a file browser and slowly scroll through it.


The OS will proceed to make thumbnails for thumbnails, then it'll make thumbnails for those thumbnails, and then it'll make thumbnails for those thumbnails, and it will repeat the process until your hard drive is full to the brim with junk. ;D

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I've been trying to get into a good sleeping habit, but I continually fail. I think I might just stay up until 4 in the morning because I don't care any more.



^ That's an early night for me lately :psyduck:


thats how i feel, if i can get sleep when i feel tired, thats when i would sleep. Except i at least try to stay awake until the even atleast. My work schedule messes me up everytime.


After work when i get home i sometimes crash, then wake up 2 hours later, then finding myself staying up practically all night do to the fact i power napped around 6pm at night. See my problem lol.

Edited by Thor.
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In Russia Nexus Forums aren't jumpy today. In Russia Nexus Forums jump on your today. ( or something.) For me Skyrim Nexus isn't jumpy today, but I have just that troubles on the forums. ( friends profiles are the wurst) :blink:

And if sleep doesn't come to you Thor, it might be a good idea to use that old rubber hammer (fake) you have, on your self to get some hours shut eye and a more normal sleep pattern.

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